On 22/01/2021 16:22, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Andrew Cooper writes ("Re: [OSSTEST PATCH 7/7] make-flight: Stripy 
> xenstored"):
>> A couple of quick questions/observations.  Does this cope in a sensible
>> way if, for whatever reason, the chosen daemon isn't present?
> That would depend on what you mean by "sensible".  I think that given
> that we now think we support both on all architectures, "sensible"
> means "the tests fail if one of the xenstoreds doesn't build".  And
> that's what this will do :-).

Right, but nothing will actually fail the build.

So the way this error will manifest is the first non-trivial `xl $FOO`
executed in dom0 hanging until the job timeout.

Or does OSSTest have an explicit "is xenstored running" check after
boot, before any further testing occurs?

>> How hard would it be to add the 3rd option, stub-cxenstored into this
>> mix?  It is just one other key in xencommons to tweak.
> We would presumably want to do that for a smaller set of tests, but
> yes, that could be done as a future enhancement.
>> SUPPORT.md doesn't appear to make any statements about the disposition
>> of xenstoreds, but stub-cxenstored is used by at least two major
>> downstreams so is obviously has security support in practice, and ought
>> to be tested.
> Looking at /etc/default/xencommons, I think that testing would be done
> by setting XENSTORETYPE=domain.  Do we want to test stub C xentored or
> stub ocaml xenstored or both ?  The config seems not to have a way to
> specify which.  Do we build only one ?

There is no such thing as an ocaml stub-xenstored yet, but I have asked
the Mirage folk if they'd like to remedy this.


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