On 12.01.2021 20:48, Andrew Cooper wrote:
> The existing logic doesn't function in the general case for mapping a guests
> grant table, due to arbitrary 32 frame limit, and the default grant table
> limit being 64.
> In order to start addressing this, rework the existing grant table logic by
> implementing a single gnttab_acquire_resource().  This is far more efficient
> than the previous acquire_grant_table() in memory.c because it doesn't take
> the grant table write lock, and attempt to grow the table, for every single
> frame.
> The new gnttab_acquire_resource() function subsumes the previous two
> gnttab_get_{shared,status}_frame() helpers.
> No functional change.
> Signed-off-by: Andrew Cooper <andrew.coop...@citrix.com>

I'm sorry, but I have to withdraw the R-b given a few minutes ago.

> --- a/xen/common/grant_table.c
> +++ b/xen/common/grant_table.c
> @@ -4013,6 +4013,59 @@ static int gnttab_get_shared_frame_mfn(struct domain 
> *d,
>      return 0;
>  }
> +int gnttab_acquire_resource(
> +    struct domain *d, unsigned int id, unsigned long frame,
> +    unsigned int nr_frames, xen_pfn_t mfn_list[])
> +{
> +    struct grant_table *gt = d->grant_table;
> +    unsigned int i = nr_frames, tot_frames;
> +    mfn_t tmp;
> +    void **vaddrs;
> +    int rc;
> +
> +    /* Overflow checks */
> +    if ( frame + nr_frames < frame )
> +        return -EINVAL;
> +
> +    tot_frames = frame + nr_frames;
> +    if ( tot_frames != frame + nr_frames )
> +        return -EINVAL;

While you did remove the explicit returning of an error when
nr_frames is zero, ...

> +    /* Grow table if necessary. */
> +    grant_write_lock(gt);
> +    rc = -EINVAL;
> +    switch ( id )
> +    {
> +    case XENMEM_resource_grant_table_id_shared:
> +        vaddrs = gt->shared_raw;
> +        rc = gnttab_get_shared_frame_mfn(d, tot_frames - 1, &tmp);

... this will degenerate (and still cause an error) when frame
is also zero, and will cause undue growing of the table when
frame is non-zero yet not overly large.

As indicated before, I'm of the clear opinion that here - like
elsewhere - a number of zero frames requested means that no
action be taken at all, and success be returned.

> +        break;
> +
> +    case XENMEM_resource_grant_table_id_status:
> +        if ( gt->gt_version != 2 )
> +            break;

As per various other places in this file I think you want to
wrap this in evaluate_nospec().


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