On 07.01.21 16:35, Ian Jackson wrote:
Hi Ian
Hi. As the Release Manage for Xen 4.15 I am going to start tracking
the status of features which people are looking to get into Xen 4.15.
NB that the Last Posting Date is just over a week from now.
If you are working on a feature you want in 4.15 please let me know
about it.
I work on virtio-mmio on Arm which involves x86's IOREQ/DM features.
Currently I am working on making the said features common, implementing
missing bits, code cleanup an hardening, etc.
I don't think the virtio-mmio is a 4.15 material, but it would be great
have at least "common" IOREQ/DM in 4.15.
Ideally I'd like a little stanza like this:
S: feature name
The corresponding thread named:
IOREQ feature (+ virtio-mmio) on Arm
O: feature owner (proponent) name
E: feature owner (proponent) email address
Julien as initiator of this activity, me as a person who continues this
activity and tries to get it upstreamed:
Julien Grall <jul...@xen.org>
Oleksandr Tyshchenko <oleksandr_tyshche...@epam.com>
P: your current estimate of the probability it making 4.15, as a %age
Difficult to say, it depends ...
RFC was posted Aug 3, 2020, The last posted version is V3. Currently I
am in the middle of preparing v4, still need to find a common ground for
few bits.
But free-form text is OK too. Please reply to this mail.
NB the primary responsibility for driving a feature's progress to meet
the release schedule, lies with the feature's proponent(s).
As a reminder, here is the release schedule:
Friday 15th January Last posting date
Patches adding new features should be posted to the mailing list
by this cate, although perhaps not in their final version.
Friday 29th January Feature freeze
Patches adding new features should be committed by this date.
Straightforward bugfixes may continue to be accepted by
Friday 12th February **tentatve** Code freeze
Bugfixes only, all changes to be approved by the Release Manager.
Week of 12th March **tentative** Release
(probably Tuesday or Wednesday)
Any patches containing substantial refactoring are to treated as
new features, even if they intent is to fix bugs.
Freeze exceptions will not be routine, but may be granted in
exceptional cases for small changes on the basis of risk assessment.
Large series will not get exceptions. Contributors *must not* rely on
getting, or expect, a freeze exception.
The codefreeze and release dates are very much provisional and will be
adjusted in the light of apparent code quality etc.
If as a feature proponent you feel your feature is at risk and there
is something the Xen Project could do to help, please consult me or
the Community Manager. In such situations please reach out earlier
rather than later.
Oleksandr Tyshchenko