On 23.12.2020 17:34, Andrew Cooper wrote:
> RFC:
>  * This probably wants to be less fatal in release builds

I'm not even convinced this wants to be a panic() in debug builds.

>  * In an ideal world, we'd also want to count the total number of bytes
>    allocated from the xmalloc heap, which would be interesting to print in the
>    'q' debugkey.  However, that data is fairly invasive to obtain.

Unless we used an xmem_pool rather than the new interface being
a thin layer around xmalloc(). (This would then also provide
better locality of the allocations, i.e. different domains
wouldn't share allocations from the same page.) And even without
doing so, adding a function to retrieve the actual size
shouldn't be all that difficult - internally xmalloc_tlsf.c
knows the size, after all, for e.g. xrealloc() to work right.

> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/xen/include/xen/dmalloc.h
> @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
> +#ifndef XEN_DMALLOC_H
> +#define XEN_DMALLOC_H
> +
> +#include <xen/types.h>
> +
> +struct domain;
> +
> +#define dzalloc_array(d, _type, _num)                                   \

While I realize I'll get bashed again, the inconsistency of using
(or not) leading underscores is too odd to not comment upon. I
don't see what use they are here, irrespective of my general view
on the topic.

> +    ((_type *)_dzalloc_array(d, sizeof(_type), __alignof__(_type), _num))
> +
> +
> +void dfree(struct domain *d, void *ptr);

May I ask to avoid double blank lines?

> +#define DFREE(d, p)                             \
> +    do {                                        \
> +        dfree(d, p);                            \
> +        (p) = NULL;                             \
> +    } while ( 0 )
> +
> +
> +void *_dzalloc(struct domain *d, size_t size, size_t align);
> +
> +static inline void *_dzalloc_array(struct domain *d, size_t size,
> +                                   size_t align, size_t num)
> +{
> +    return _dzalloc(d, size * num, align);

No protection at all against the multiplication overflowing?


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