On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 06:44:27PM +0000, Julien Grall wrote:
> Hi Elliott,
> On 26/10/2020 16:03, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 01:31:42PM +0000, Julien Grall wrote:
> >> On 24/10/2020 06:35, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> >>> ACPI has a distinct
> >>> means of specifying a limited DMA-width; the above fails, because it
> >>> assumes a *device-tree*.
> >>
> >> Do you know if it would be possible to infer from the ACPI static table
> >> the DMA-width?
> > 
> > Yes, and it is.  Due to not knowing much about ACPI tables I don't know
> > what the C code would look like though (problem is which documentation
> > should I be looking at first?).
> What you provided below is an excerpt of the DSDT. AFAIK, DSDT content 
> is written in AML. So far the shortest implementation I have seen for 
> the AML parser is around 5000 lines (see [1]). It might be possible to 
> strip some the code, although I think this will still probably too big 
> for a single workaround.
> What I meant by "static table" is a table that looks like a structure 
> and can be parsed in a few lines. If we can't find on contain the DMA 
> window, then the next best solution is to find a way to identity the 
> platform.
> I don't know enough ACPI to know if this solution is possible. A good 
> starter would probably be the ACPI spec [2].

Be assured, you likely know more about ACPI than I do.  :-)

A crucial point though is the mentions of dealing with DMA on the
Raspberry PI 4B using ACPI pointed at that "_DMA" string.  What is there
is Good Enough(tm) to make a 5.8 Linux kernel successfully operate
using ACPI.

Looking at the 5.8 source, apparently _DMA is an ACPI method.  That
almost looks straightforward enough for me to tackle for Xen...
Good news is looks like only supportting a single DMA window...

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