The algorithm for clearing out old lifecycle entries was wrong: it
would delete all entries for non-live tasks.

In practice this would properly remove all the old entries for
non-static tasks, since ownd tasks typically don't releease things
until the task ends (and it becomes non-live).  And it wouldn't remove
more than it should do unless some now-not-live task had an allocation
overlapping with us, which is not supposed to be possible if we are
doing a host wipe.  But it would not remove static tasks ever, since
they are always live.

Change to a completely different algorithm:

 * Check that only us (ie, $ttaskid) has (any shares of) this host
   allocated.  There's a function resource_check_allocated_core which
   already does this and since we're conceptually part of Executive
   it is proper for us to call it.  This is just a sanity check.

 * Delete all lifecycle entries predating the first entry made by
   us.  (We could just delete all entries other than ours, but in
   theory maybe some future code could result in a siutation where
   someone else could have had another share briefly at some point.)

This removes old junk from the "Tasks that could have affected" in

Signed-off-by: Ian Jackson <>
 Osstest/JobDB/ | 22 +++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Osstest/JobDB/ b/Osstest/JobDB/
index 1dcf55ff..097c8d75 100644
--- a/Osstest/JobDB/
+++ b/Osstest/JobDB/
@@ -515,15 +515,19 @@ sub jobdb_host_update_lifecycle_info ($$$) { #method
     if ($mode eq 'wiped') {
        db_retry($flight, [qw(running)], $dbh_tests,[], sub {
-            $dbh_tests->do(<<END, {}, $hostname);
-                DELETE FROM host_lifecycle h
-                      WHERE hostname=?
-                        AND NOT EXISTS(
-                SELECT 1
-                 FROM tasks t
-                WHERE
-                  AND t.taskid = h.taskid
-                );
+            my $cshare = Osstest::Executive::resource_check_allocated_core(
+                "host",$hostname);
+            die "others have this host allocated when we have just wiped it! "
+             .Dumper($cshare)
+             if $cshare->{Others};
+           $dbh_tests->do(<<END, {}, $hostname, $hostname, $ttaskid);
+                DELETE FROM host_lifecycle
+                     WHERE hostname=?
+                       AND lcseq < (
+                              SELECT min(lcseq) 
+                               FROM host_lifecycle
+                              WHERE hostname=? and taskid=?
+                           )
        logm("host lifecycle: $hostname: wiped, cleared out old info");

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