On 13.10.2020 16:20, Jürgen Groß wrote:
> On 13.10.20 15:58, Jan Beulich wrote:
>> On 12.10.2020 11:27, Juergen Gross wrote:
>>> The queue for a fifo event is depending on the vcpu_id and the
>>> priority of the event. When sending an event it might happen the
>>> event needs to change queues and the old queue needs to be kept for
>>> keeping the links between queue elements intact. For this purpose
>>> the event channel contains last_priority and last_vcpu_id values
>>> elements for being able to identify the old queue.
>>> In order to avoid races always access last_priority and last_vcpu_id
>>> with a single atomic operation avoiding any inconsistencies.
>>> Signed-off-by: Juergen Gross <jgr...@suse.com>
>> I seem to vaguely recall that at the time this seemingly racy
>> access was done on purpose by David. Did you go look at the
>> old commits to understand whether there really is a race which
>> can't be tolerated within the spec?
> At least the comments in the code tell us that the race regarding
> the writing of priority (not last_priority) is acceptable.

Ah, then it was comments. I knew I read something to this effect
somewhere, recently.

> Especially Julien was rather worried by the current situation. In
> case you can convince him the current handling is fine, we can
> easily drop this patch.

Julien, in the light of the above - can you clarify the specific
concerns you (still) have?

>>> --- a/xen/include/xen/sched.h
>>> +++ b/xen/include/xen/sched.h
>>> @@ -114,8 +114,7 @@ struct evtchn
>>>           u16 virq;      /* state == ECS_VIRQ */
>>>       } u;
>>>       u8 priority;
>>> -    u8 last_priority;
>>> -    u16 last_vcpu_id;
>>> +    u32 fifo_lastq;    /* Data for fifo events identifying last queue. */
>> This grows struct evtchn's size on at least 32-bit Arm. I'd
>> like to suggest including "priority" in the union, and call the
>> new field simply "fifo" or some such.
> This will add quite some complexity as suddenly all writes to the
> union will need to be made through a cmpxchg() scheme.
> Regarding the growth: struct evtchn is aligned to 64 bytes. So there
> is no growth at all, as the size will not be larger than those 64
> bytes.

Oh, I didn't spot this attribute, which I consider at least
suspicious. Without XSM I'm getting the impression that on 32-bit
Arm the structure's size would be 32 bytes or less without it, so
it looks as if it shouldn't be there unconditionally.


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