Add support for creating a PVH Xenstore stub-domain.

This includes building the stubdom and loading it at system boot.

It should be noted that currently this stubdom is not in a working
state as there is some support in Mini-OS missing. I'm working on
adding this support.

Juergen Gross (3):
  tools/init-xenstore-domain: add logging
  tools/init-xenstore-domain: support xenstore pvh stubdom
  stubdom: add xenstore pvh stubdom

 .gitignore                           |   1 +
 stubdom/Makefile                     |  31 ++++-
 stubdom/configure                    |  47 ++++++++
 stubdom/                 |   1 +
 stubdom/xenstorepvh-minios.cfg       |  10 ++
 tools/helpers/init-xenstore-domain.c | 170 ++++++++++++++++++++-------
 6 files changed, 213 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 stubdom/xenstorepvh-minios.cfg


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