On Thursday, September 17, 2020 10:43 AM, Andrew Cooper wrote:
>On 16/09/2020 19:18, Jeff Kubascik wrote:
>> +/*
>> + * A handle with all zeros represents domain 0 if present, otherwise idle 
>> + */
>> +#define DOM0_HANDLE ((const xen_domain_handle_t){0})
>This isn't accurate.
>There are systems where dom0 doesn't have a zero UUID (XenServer for
>one), and its easy to create domU's which have a zero UUID.  They are
>not unique, and can be changed at any time during the running of the VM.
>If you need a unique identifier, then use domid's.
>I can't see any legitimate need for the scheduler to handle the UUID at all.
We tried switching it to domid at one point in the past, but the problem was 
that when a domU reboots (destroy/create) the domid increments, so the schedule 
would have to be reinstantiated. At least that was the case before a recent 
patch series allowing to specify domid [1], but Jeff developed this CAST-32A 
series prior to that. The UUID can be specified in the .cfg file, allowing 
domUs to reboot and come back up with the same UUID.


[1] https://lists.xenproject.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2020-02/msg01574.html


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