> On Sep 8, 2020, at 6:03 PM, Nick Rosbrook <rosbro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 05:40:00PM +0100, George Dunlap wrote:
>> Remove all go files and generation targets.
>> Add a convenience macro to build the package from staging.  This isn't
>> really meant to be called directly; rather, it's meant to be called
>> from a corresponding build target inside the external xenlight package
>> repo.
>> Signed-off-by: George Dunlap <george.dun...@citrix.com>
> Does this make our move to gitlab.com/xen-project/go-xen official? I
> wasn't expecting this to be so soon. But, if you're satisifed with what
> you've learned from working on the experimental repo/module, I guess I'm
> not opposed. I would like to know the rest of the details though.

All patches to the list are proposals — nothing is official until it’s been 
checked in; and I haven’t checked, but since nobody has Acked it, it certainly 
*shouldn’t* have been checked in yet. :-)

So, feel free to give feedback or ask whatever details you think need to be 
ironed out.  That’s what this thread is for.

There’s certainly no issue with waiting to delete the code in-tree; but I 
wouldn’t be a fan of developing in both places at once and keeping things in 
sync.  (I could be convinced if you thought that was important.)  I’d prefer 
just to develop in the external tree, and if for some reason we decide that 
doesn’t work, importing the changes back into xen.git.


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