This changes the output of xenstore-ls to be sorted.
Previously the keys were listed in the order in which they were inserted
docs/misc/xenstore.txt doesn't specify in what order keys are listed.

Map.update is used to retain semantics with replace_child:
only an existing child is replaced, if it wasn't part of the original
map we don't add it.
Similarly exception behaviour is retained for del_childname and related

Entries are stored in reverse sort order, so that upon Map.fold the
constructed list is sorted in ascending order and there is no need for a

Signed-off-by: Edwin Török <>
Acked-by: Christian Lindig <>
Changes since V3:
* none, repost after preceding commits fix OCaml 4.02 compatibility
 tools/ocaml/xenstored/   | 46 +++++++++++++++-----------------
 tools/ocaml/xenstored/  |  4 +++
 tools/ocaml/xenstored/symbol.mli |  3 +++
 3 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/ b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/
index 45659a23ee..d9dfa36045 100644
--- a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/
+++ b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/
@@ -16,17 +16,19 @@
 open Stdext
+module SymbolMap = Map.Make(Symbol)
 module Node = struct
 type t = {
        name: Symbol.t;
        perms: Perms.Node.t;
        value: string;
-       children: t list;
+       children: t SymbolMap.t;
 let create _name _perms _value =
-       { name = Symbol.of_string _name; perms = _perms; value = _value; 
children = []; }
+       { name = Symbol.of_string _name; perms = _perms; value = _value; 
children = SymbolMap.empty; }
 let get_owner node = Perms.Node.get_owner node.perms
 let get_children node = node.children
@@ -42,38 +44,34 @@ let set_value node nvalue =
 let set_perms node nperms = { node with perms = nperms }
 let add_child node child =
-       { node with children = child :: node.children }
+       let children = SymbolMap.add child node.children in
+       { node with children }
 let exists node childname =
        let childname = Symbol.of_string childname in
-       List.exists (fun n -> Symbol.equal childname) node.children
+       SymbolMap.mem childname node.children
 let find node childname =
        let childname = Symbol.of_string childname in
-       List.find (fun n -> Symbol.equal childname) node.children
+       SymbolMap.find childname node.children
 let replace_child node child nchild =
-       (* this is the on-steroid version of the filter one-replace one *)
-       let rec replace_one_in_list l =
-               match l with
-               | []                               -> []
-               | h :: tl when Symbol.equal -> nchild :: tl
-               | h :: tl                          -> h :: replace_one_in_list 
-               in
-       { node with children = (replace_one_in_list node.children) }
+       { node with
+         children = SymbolMap.update
+                    (function None -> None | Some _ -> Some nchild)
+                    node.children
+       }
 let del_childname node childname =
        let sym = Symbol.of_string childname in
-       let rec delete_one_in_list l =
-               match l with
-               | []                        -> raise Not_found
-               | h :: tl when Symbol.equal sym -> tl
-               | h :: tl                   -> h :: delete_one_in_list tl
-               in
-       { node with children = (delete_one_in_list node.children) }
+       { node with children =
+               SymbolMap.update sym
+                 (function None -> raise Not_found | Some _ -> None)
+                 node.children
+       }
 let del_all_children node =
-       { node with children = [] }
+       { node with children = SymbolMap.empty }
 (* check if the current node can be accessed by the current connection with 
rperm permissions *)
 let check_perm node connection request =
@@ -87,7 +85,7 @@ let check_owner node connection =
                raise Define.Permission_denied;
-let rec recurse fct node = fct node; List.iter (recurse fct) node.children
+let rec recurse fct node = fct node; SymbolMap.iter (fun _ -> recurse fct) 
 let unpack node = (Symbol.to_string, node.perms, node.value)
@@ -321,7 +319,7 @@ let ls store perm path =
                                Node.check_perm cnode perm Perms.READ;
                                cnode.Node.children in
                        Path.apply store.root path do_ls in
-       List.rev ( (fun n -> Symbol.to_string children)
+       SymbolMap.fold (fun k _ accu -> Symbol.to_string k :: accu) children []
 let getperms store perm path =
        if path = [] then
@@ -350,7 +348,7 @@ let traversal root_node f =
        let rec _traversal path node =
                f path node;
                let node_path = Path.of_path_and_name path (Symbol.to_string in
-               List.iter (_traversal node_path) node.Node.children
+               SymbolMap.iter (fun _ -> _traversal node_path) 
        _traversal [] root_node
diff --git a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/ b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/
index 2b41d120f6..301639f16f 100644
--- a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/
+++ b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/
@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ let equal a b =
   (* compare using physical equality, both members have to be part of the 
above weak table *)
   a == b
+let compare a b =
+  if equal a b then 0
+  else -( a b)
 let stats () =
   let len, entries, _, _, _, _ = WeakTable.stats tbl in
   len, entries
diff --git a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/symbol.mli b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/symbol.mli
index 586ab57507..dd0f014796 100644
--- a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/symbol.mli
+++ b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/symbol.mli
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ val to_string : t -> string
 val equal: t -> t -> bool
 (** Compare two symbols for equality *)
+val compare: t -> t -> int
+(** Compare two symbols *)
 (** {6 Statistics } *)
 val stats : unit -> int * int

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