Set this variable (to a, say) and it becomes
possible to test host allocation programs without actually allocating
anything and without engaging with the queue system.

Signed-off-by: Ian Jackson <>
 Osstest/ | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Osstest/ b/Osstest/
index 0808202b..d6b2736b 100644
--- a/Osstest/
+++ b/Osstest/
@@ -767,6 +767,32 @@ sub alloc_resources {
        ? sub { print $debugfh @_, "\n" or die $!; }
         : sub { };
+    my $fake_plan = $ENV{OSSTEST_ALLOC_FAKE_PLAN};
+    if (defined $fake_plan) {
+       my $fake_data = do {
+           local $/ = undef;
+           open FAKEPLAN, "<", $ENV{OSSTEST_ALLOC_FAKE_PLAN} or die $!;
+           my $r = <FAKEPLAN> // die $!;
+           close FAKEPLAN;
+           $r;
+       };
+       if ($fake_plan =~ m{\.pl$}) {
+           $fake_data = eval $fake_data;
+       } elsif ($fake_plan =~ m{\.json$}) {
+           $fake_data = from_json($fake_data);
+       } else {
+           die;
+       }
+       db_retry($flight,'running', $dbh_tests, [], sub {
+            logm("fake resourcecall..");
+           my ($ok, $bookinglist) = $resourcecall->($fake_data, 1);
+            logm("fake resourcecall ok=$ok");
+           $dbh_tests->rollback();
+           exit $ok;
+        });
+       die "unexpectedly left db_retry";
+    }
     my $set_info= sub {
         return if grep { !defined } @_;
         my @s;

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