(+ Committers)

On 18/06/2020 02:34, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
On Tue, 16 Jun 2020, Julien Grall wrote:
On Tue, 16 Jun 2020 at 21:57, Stefano Stabellini <sstabell...@kernel.org> wrote:
On Tue, 16 Jun 2020, Julien Grall wrote:
On 16/06/2020 02:00, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
On Sat, 13 Jun 2020, Julien Grall wrote:
From: Julien Grall <jgr...@amazon.com>

The documentation of pvcalls suggests there is padding for 32-bit x86
at the end of most the structure. However, they are not described in
in the public header.

Because of that all the structures would be 32-bit aligned and not
64-bit aligned for 32-bit x86.

For all the other architectures supported (Arm and 64-bit x86), the
structure are aligned to 64-bit because they contain uint64_t field.
Therefore all the structures contain implicit padding.

The paddings are now corrected for 32-bit x86 and written explicitly for
all the architectures.

While the structure size between 32-bit and 64-bit x86 is different, it
shouldn't cause any incompatibility between a 32-bit and 64-bit
frontend/backend because the commands are always 56 bits and the padding
are at the end of the structure.

As an aside, the padding sadly cannot be mandated to be 0 as they are
already present. So it is not going to be possible to use the padding
for extending a command in the future.

Signed-off-by: Julien Grall <jgr...@amazon.com>

      Changes in v3:
          - Use __i386__ rather than CONFIG_X86_32

      Changes in v2:
          - It is not possible to use the same padding for 32-bit x86 and
          all the other supported architectures.
   docs/misc/pvcalls.pandoc        | 18 ++++++++++--------
   xen/include/public/io/pvcalls.h | 14 ++++++++++++++
   2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/misc/pvcalls.pandoc b/docs/misc/pvcalls.pandoc
index 665dad556c39..caa71b36d78b 100644
--- a/docs/misc/pvcalls.pandoc
+++ b/docs/misc/pvcalls.pandoc
@@ -246,9 +246,9 @@ The format is defined as follows:
                           uint32_t domain;
                           uint32_t type;
                           uint32_t protocol;
-                         #ifdef CONFIG_X86_32
+                 #ifndef __i386__
                           uint8_t pad[4];
-                         #endif
+                 #endif

Hi Julien,

Thank you for doing this, and sorry for having missed v2 of this patch, I
should have replied earlier.

The intention of the #ifdef blocks like:

    #ifdef CONFIG_X86_32
      uint8_t pad[4];

in pvcalls.pandoc was to make sure that these structs would be 64bit
aligned on x86_32 too.

I realize that the public header doesn't match, but the spec is the
"master copy".
So far, the public headers are the defacto official ABI. So did you mark the
pvcall header as just a reference?
No, there is no document that says that the canonical copy of the
interface is pvcalls.pandoc. However, it was clearly spelled out from
the start on xen-devel (see below.)
In fact, if you notice, this is the
first document under docs/misc that goes into this level of details in
describing a new PV protocol. Also note the title of the document which
is "PV Calls Protocol version 1".
While I understand this may have been the original intention, you
can't expect a developer to go through the archive to check whether
he/she should trust the header of the document.

In reply to Jan:
A public header can't be "fixed" if it may already be in use by
anyone. We can only do as Andrew and you suggest (mandate textual
descriptions to be "the ABI") when we do so for _new_ interfaces from
the very beginning, making clear that the public header (if any)
exists just for reference.
What if somebody took the specification of the interface from
pvcalls.pandoc and wrote their own headers and code? It is definitely
As it is possible for someone to have picked the headers from Xen as
in the past public/ has always been the authority.
We never had documents under docs/ before specifying the interfaces
before pvcalls. It is not written anywhere that the headers under
public/ are the authoritative interfaces either, it is just that it was
the only thing available before. If you are new to the project you might
go to docs/ first.

At the time, it was clarified that the purpose of writing such
a detailed specification document was that the document was the
specification :-)
At the risk of being pedantic, if it is not written in xen.git it
doesn't exist ;).

Anyway, no matter the decision you take here, you are going to
potentially break one set of the users.

I am leaning towards the header as authoritative because this has
always been the case in the past and nothing in xen.git says
otherwise. However I am not a user of pvcalls, so I don't really have
any big incentive to go either way.
Yeah, we are risking breaking one set of users either way :-/
In reality, we are using pvcalls on arm64 in a new project (but it is
still very green). I am not aware of anybody using pvcalls on x86
(especially x86_32).

I would prefer to honor the pvcalls.pandoc specification because that is
what it was meant to be, and also leads to a better protocol
As Jan and you disagree on the approach, I would like to get more input.

To summarize the discussion, the document for PV calls and the public headers don't match when describing the padding. There is a disagreement on which of the two are the authority and therefore which one to fix.
Does anyone else have a preference on the approach?

For the future, I would highly suggest writing down the support
decision in xen.git. This would avoid such debate on what is the
Yes that's the way to go

Julien Grall

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