On 16.06.2020 17:19, Michał Leszczyński wrote:
> --- a/xen/include/asm-x86/msr-index.h
> +++ b/xen/include/asm-x86/msr-index.h
> @@ -621,4 +621,41 @@
>  #define MSR_PKGC9_IRTL                       0x00000634
>  #define MSR_PKGC10_IRTL                      0x00000635
> +/* Intel PT MSRs */
> +#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_CTL              0x00000570
> +#define RTIT_CTL_TRACEEN               (1ULL << 0)
> +#define RTIT_CTL_CYCEN                 (1ULL << 1)
> +#define RTIT_CTL_OS                    (1ULL << 2)
> +#define RTIT_CTL_USR                   (1ULL << 3)
> +#define RTIT_CTL_PWR_EVT_EN            (1ULL << 4)
> +#define RTIT_CTL_FUP_ON_PTW            (1ULL << 5)
> +#define RTIT_CTL_FABRIC_EN             (1ULL << 6)
> +#define RTIT_CTL_CR3_FILTER            (1ULL << 7)
> +#define RTIT_CTL_TOPA                  (1ULL << 8)
> +#define RTIT_CTL_MTC_EN                (1ULL << 9)
> +#define RTIT_CTL_TSC_EN                (1ULL << 10)
> +#define RTIT_CTL_DIS_RETC              (1ULL << 11)
> +#define RTIT_CTL_PTW_EN                (1ULL << 12)
> +#define RTIT_CTL_BRANCH_EN             (1ULL << 13)
> +#define RTIT_CTL_MTC_FREQ_OFFSET       14
> +#define RTIT_CTL_MTC_FREQ              (0x0fULL << RTIT_CTL_MTC_FREQ_OFFSET)
> +#define RTIT_CTL_CYC_THRESH_OFFSET     19
> +#define RTIT_CTL_CYC_THRESH            (0x0fULL << 
> +#define RTIT_CTL_PSB_FREQ_OFFSET       24
> +#define RTIT_CTL_PSB_FREQ              (0x0fULL << RTIT_CTL_PSB_FREQ_OFFSET)
> +#define RTIT_CTL_ADDR_OFFSET(n)        (32 + 4 * (n))
> +#define RTIT_CTL_ADDR(n)               (0x0fULL << RTIT_CTL_ADDR_OFFSET(n))
> +#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_STATUS           0x00000571
> +#define RTIT_STATUS_FILTER_EN          (1ULL << 0)
> +#define RTIT_STATUS_CONTEXT_EN         (1ULL << 1)
> +#define RTIT_STATUS_TRIGGER_EN         (1ULL << 2)
> +#define RTIT_STATUS_ERROR              (1ULL << 4)
> +#define RTIT_STATUS_STOPPED            (1ULL << 5)
> +#define RTIT_STATUS_BYTECNT            (0x1ffffULL << 32)
> +#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_CR3_MATCH        0x00000572
> +#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_OUTPUT_BASE      0x00000560
> +#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_OUTPUT_MASK      0x00000561
> +#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_ADDR_A(n)        (0x00000580 + (n) * 2)
> +#define MSR_IA32_RTIT_ADDR_B(n)        (0x00000581 + (n) * 2)

Please honor the comment at the top of the file as well as the one
separating new content from not necessarily well-formed one further
down. I also think Andrew wants no IA32 infixes anymore in new
additions, albeit I'm still not fully convinced the resulting
deviation from SDM naming is really helpful.


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