Hi Juergen,

On 28/05/2020 09:22, Juergen Gross wrote:
-| Field       | Description                                     |
-| `conn-id`   | A non-zero number used to identify this         |
-|             | connection in subsequent connection-specific    |
-|             | records                                         |
-|             |                                                 |
-| `conn-type` | 0x0000: shared ring                             |
-|             | 0x0001: socket                                  |
-|             | 0x0002 - 0xFFFF: reserved for future use        |
-|             |                                                 |
-| `conn-spec` | See below                                       |
-|             |                                                 |
-| `data-len`  | The length (in octets) of any pending data not  |
-|             | yet written to the connection                   |
-|             |                                                 |
-| `data`      | Pending data (may be empty)                     |
+| Field          | Description                                  |
+| `conn-id`      | A non-zero number used to identify this      |
+|                | connection in subsequent connection-specific |
+|                | records                                      |
+|                |                                              |
+| `flags`        | A bit-wise OR of:                            |
+|                | 0001: read-only                              |

NIT: It is a bit odd the flags is in the header after `conn-type` and described before.

+|                |                                              |
+| `conn-type`    | 0x0000: shared ring                          |
+|                | 0x0001: socket                               |
+|                | 0x0002 - 0xFFFF: reserved for future use     |
+|                |                                              |
+| `conn-spec`    | See below                                    |
+|                |                                              |
+| `in-data-len`  | The length (in octets) of any data read      |
+|                | from the connection not yet processed        |
+|                |                                              |
+| `out-resp-len` | The length (in octets) of a partial response |
+|                | not yet written to the connection (included  |
+|                | in the following `out-data-len`)             |

This seems to come from nowhere. It would be good to explain in the commit message why this is necessary.

+|                |                                              |
+| `out-data-len` | The length (in octets) of any pending data   |
+|                | not yet written to the connection            |


Julien Grall

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