On Wed, 2020-04-15 at 14:06 +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Roger Pau Monne writes ("[PATCH OSSTEST 2/2] make-flight: add a core
> scheduling job"):
> > Run a simple core scheduling tests on a host that has SMT support.
> > This is only enabled for Xen >= 4.13.
> ...
> > +  # Core-scheduling tests are x86 only
> > +  if [ x$test_coresched = xy -a $xenarch = amd64 ]; then
> > +    job_create_test test-$xenarch$kern-coresched-$dom0arch-xl \
> > +                    test-debian xl $xenarch $dom0arch
> > $debian_runvars \
> > +                    all_hostflags=$most_hostflags,smt \
> > +                    xen_boot_append='sched-gran=core'
> > +
> > +  fi
> This seems fine as far as it goes, but all it does is check that
> things still work if sched-gran=core is passed. 
Yep, and that's enough for enabling and starting using ore-scheduling.
So, doing like this, core-scheduling should get the same amount and
kind of testing that scheduling in general gets.

>  I'm not sure whether
> anything more sophisticated is needed, and in any case this is a step
> in the right direction, so:

One question, as my OSSTest-fu is a bit rusty... does this create
"sched-gran=core" tests for all the schedulers? Or just one of them for
th default scheduler?

Thanks and Regards
Dario Faggioli, Ph.D
Virtualization Software Engineer
SUSE Labs, SUSE https://www.suse.com/
<<This happens because _I_ choose it to happen!>> (Raistlin Majere)

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