On 26.03.2020 16:27, Roger Pau Monne wrote:
> Hello,
> osstest identified a regression caused by my earlier attempt to fix
> interrupt injection when using nested VMX. This series aims to fix the
> regression, and should unblock several osstest branches.
> The following report is from osstest with this series applied:
> http://logs.test-lab.xenproject.org/osstest/logs/149051/
> Note the last patch (4/4) is the one that actually fixes the issue. Xen
> will always use the Ack on exit feature so patches 2/4 and 3/4 don't
> change the functionality when running a nested Xen, as it always
> requires SVI to be updated.
> Thanks, Roger.
> Roger Pau Monne (4):
>   Revert "x86/vvmx: fix virtual interrupt injection when Ack on exit
>     control is used"
>   x86/nvmx: only update SVI when using Ack on exit

You probably didn't notice that these two got committed earlier today?


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