> -----Original Message-----
> From: Xen-devel <xen-devel-boun...@lists.xenproject.org> On Behalf Of Jan 
> Beulich
> Sent: 03 March 2020 10:17
> To: xen-devel@lists.xenproject.org
> Cc: Kevin Tian <kevin.t...@intel.com>; Wei Liu <w...@xen.org>; Paul Durrant 
> <p...@xen.org>; Andrew
> Cooper <andrew.coop...@citrix.com>; Jun Nakajima <jun.nakaj...@intel.com>; 
> Roger Pau Monné
> <roger....@citrix.com>
> Subject: [EXTERNAL][Xen-devel] [PATCH v5 2/4] x86/HVM: implement memory read 
> caching for insn
> emulation
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
> links or open
> attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe.
> Emulation requiring device model assistance uses a form of instruction
> re-execution, assuming that the second (and any further) pass takes
> exactly the same path. This is a valid assumption as far as use of CPU
> registers goes (as those can't change without any other instruction
> executing in between [1]), but is wrong for memory accesses. In
> particular it has been observed that Windows might page out buffers
> underneath an instruction currently under emulation (hitting between two
> passes). If the first pass read a memory operand successfully, any
> subsequent pass needs to get to see the exact same value.
> Introduce a cache to make sure above described assumption holds. This
> is a very simplistic implementation for now: Only exact matches are
> satisfied (no overlaps or partial reads or anything); this is sufficient
> for the immediate purpose of making re-execution an exact replay. The
> cache also won't be used just yet for guest page walks; that'll be the
> subject of a subsequent change.
> With the cache being generally transparent to upper layers, but with it
> having limited capacity yet being required for correctness, certain
> users of hvm_copy_from_guest_*() need to disable caching temporarily,
> without invalidating the cache. Note that the adjustments here to
> hvm_hypercall() and hvm_task_switch() are benign at this point; they'll
> become relevant once we start to be able to emulate respective insns
> through the main emulator (and more changes will then likely be needed
> to nested code).
> As to the actual data page in a problamtic scenario, there are a couple
> of aspects to take into consideration:
> - We must be talking about an insn accessing two locations (two memory
>   ones, one of which is MMIO, or a memory and an I/O one).
> - If the non I/O / MMIO side is being read, the re-read (if it occurs at
>   all) is having its result discarded, by taking the shortcut through
>   the first switch()'s STATE_IORESP_READY case in hvmemul_do_io(). Note
>   how, among all the re-issue sanity checks there, we avoid comparing
>   the actual data.
> - If the non I/O / MMIO side is being written, it is the OSes
>   responsibility to avoid actually moving page contents to disk while
>   there might still be a write access in flight - this is no different
>   in behavior from bare hardware.
> - Read-modify-write accesses are, as always, complicated, and while we
>   deal with them better nowadays than we did in the past, we're still
>   not quite there to guarantee hardware like behavior in all cases
>   anyway. Nothing is getting worse by the changes made here, afaict.
> In __hvm_copy() also reduce p's scope and change its type to void *.
> [1] Other than on actual hardware, actions like
>     XEN_DOMCTL_sethvmcontext, XEN_DOMCTL_setvcpucontext,
>     VCPUOP_initialise, INIT, or SIPI issued against the vCPU can occur
>     while the vCPU is blocked waiting for a device model to return data.
>     In such cases emulation now gets canceled, though, and hence re-
>     execution correctness is unaffected.
> Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeul...@suse.com>
> ---
> TBD: In principle the caching here yields unnecessary the one used for
>      insn bytes (vio->mmio_insn{,_bytes}. However, to seed the cache
>      with the data SVM may have made available, we'd have to also know
>      the corresponding GPA. It's not safe, however, to re-walk the page
>      tables to find out, as the page tables may have changed in the
>      meantime. Therefore I guess we need to keep the duplicate
>      functionality for now. A possible solution to this could be to use
>      a physical-address-based cache for page table accesses (and looking
>      forward also e.g. SVM/VMX insn emulation), and a linear-address-
>      based one for all other reads.
> ---
> v5: Re-arrange bitfield. Use domain_crash() in hvmemul_write_cache().
>     Move hvmemul_{read,write}_cache() stubs to later patch. Also adjust
>     hvmemul_cancel(). Add / extend comments. Re-base.
> v4: Re-write for cache to become transparent to callers.
> v3: Add text about the actual data page to the description.
> v2: Re-base.

Generally LGTM, just a couple of points below...

> --- a/xen/arch/x86/hvm/emulate.c
> +++ b/xen/arch/x86/hvm/emulate.c
> @@ -28,6 +28,19 @@
>  #include <asm/iocap.h>
>  #include <asm/vm_event.h>
> +struct hvmemul_cache
> +{
> +    /* The cache is disabled as long as num_ents > max_ents. */
> +    unsigned int num_ents;
> +    unsigned int max_ents;
> +    struct {
> +        paddr_t gpa:PADDR_BITS;
> +        unsigned int :BITS_PER_LONG - PADDR_BITS - 8;

Is clang ok with unnamed fields?

> +        unsigned int size:8;
> +        unsigned long data;
> +    } ents[];
> +};
> +
>  static void hvmtrace_io_assist(const ioreq_t *p)
>  {
>      unsigned int size, event;
> @@ -136,6 +149,8 @@ void hvmemul_cancel(struct vcpu *v)
>      vio->mmio_access = (struct npfec){};
>      vio->mmio_retry = false;
>      vio->g2m_ioport = NULL;
> +
> +    hvmemul_cache_disable(v);
>  }
>  static int hvmemul_do_io(
> @@ -1883,12 +1898,17 @@ static int hvmemul_rep_movs(
>          rc = HVMTRANS_okay;
>      }
>      else
> +    {
> +        unsigned int token = hvmemul_cache_disable(curr);
> +
>          /*
>           * We do a modicum of checking here, just for paranoia's sake and to
>           * definitely avoid copying an unitialised buffer into guest address
>           * space.
>           */
>          rc = hvm_copy_from_guest_phys(buf, sgpa, bytes);
> +        hvmemul_cache_restore(curr, token);
> +    }
>      if ( rc == HVMTRANS_okay )
>          rc = hvm_copy_to_guest_phys(dgpa, buf, bytes, curr);
> @@ -2551,6 +2571,19 @@ static int _hvm_emulate_one(struct hvm_e
>      struct hvm_vcpu_io *vio = &curr->arch.hvm.hvm_io;
>      int rc;
> +    /*
> +     * Enable caching if it's currently disabled, but leave the cache
> +     * untouched if it's already enabled, for re-execution to consume
> +     * entries populated by an earlier pass.
> +     */
> +    if ( vio->cache->num_ents > vio->cache->max_ents )
> +    {
> +        ASSERT(vio->io_req.state == STATE_IOREQ_NONE);
> +        vio->cache->num_ents = 0;
> +    }
> +    else
> +        ASSERT(vio->io_req.state == STATE_IORESP_READY);
> +
>      hvm_emulate_init_per_insn(hvmemul_ctxt, vio->mmio_insn,
>                                vio->mmio_insn_bytes);
> @@ -2564,6 +2597,7 @@ static int _hvm_emulate_one(struct hvm_e
>      {
>          vio->mmio_cache_count = 0;
>          vio->mmio_insn_bytes = 0;
> +        hvmemul_cache_disable(curr);
>      }
>      else
>      {
> @@ -2856,6 +2890,123 @@ void hvm_dump_emulation_state(const char
>             hvmemul_ctxt->insn_buf);
>  }
> +int hvmemul_cache_init(struct vcpu *v)
> +{
> +    /*
> +     * No insn can access more than 16 independent linear addresses (AVX512F
> +     * scatters/gathers being the worst). Each such linear range can span a
> +     * page boundary, i.e. may require two page walks. Account for each insn
> +     * byte individually, for simplicity.
> +     */
> +    const unsigned int nents = (CONFIG_PAGING_LEVELS + 1) *
> +                               (MAX_INST_LEN + 16 * 2);
> +    struct hvmemul_cache *cache = xmalloc_flex_struct(struct hvmemul_cache,
> +                                                      ents, nents);
> +
> +    if ( !cache )
> +        return -ENOMEM;
> +
> +    /* Cache is disabled initially. */
> +    cache->num_ents = nents + 1;
> +    cache->max_ents = nents;
> +
> +    v->arch.hvm.hvm_io.cache = cache;
> +
> +    return 0;
> +}
> +
> +unsigned int hvmemul_cache_disable(struct vcpu *v)
> +{
> +    struct hvmemul_cache *cache = v->arch.hvm.hvm_io.cache;
> +    unsigned int token = cache->num_ents;
> +
> +    cache->num_ents = cache->max_ents + 1;
> +
> +    return token;
> +}
> +
> +void hvmemul_cache_restore(struct vcpu *v, unsigned int token)
> +{
> +    struct hvmemul_cache *cache = v->arch.hvm.hvm_io.cache;
> +
> +    ASSERT(cache->num_ents > cache->max_ents);
> +    cache->num_ents = token;

ASSERT(token <= cache->max_ents) here?

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