I am deeply shocked by the news. I would like to express my deepest condolences 
to Lars' family and friends. Lars has always been a very open-minded and 
supportive person. He was definitely a big win for the Xen Project and its 
community. I feel honored to have had the chance to work with him.

I am very sorry for the loss. He will be greatly missed.


On 30.01.20, 15:54, "Minios-devel on behalf of Ian Jackson" 
<minios-devel-boun...@lists.xenproject.org on behalf of ian.jack...@citrix.com> 

    I'm very sad to inform you that Lars Kurth passed away earlier this
    week.  Many of us regarded Lars as a personal friend, and his loss is a
    great loss to the Xen Project.
    We plan to have a tribute to Lars on the XenProject blog in the near
    future.  Those who are attending FOSDEM may wish to attend the short
    tribute we plan for Sunday morning:
    For the moment, Lars's mail aliases @xenproject.org, and the
    community.manager@xenproject alias, will be forwarded to myself
    and/or George Dunlap.
    Ian Jackson.
    Minios-devel mailing list

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