On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 9:42 PM Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
<marma...@invisiblethingslab.com> wrote:


> Later patches add QMP over libvchan connection support. The actual connection
> is made in a separate process. As discussed on Xen Summit 2019, this allows to
> apply some basic checks and/or filtering (not part of this series), to limit
> libxl exposure for potentially malicious stubdomain.

Thanks for working on this!  I think the separate process is nicer.

> The actual stubdomain implementation is here:
>     https://github.com/marmarek/qubes-vmm-xen-stubdom-linux
>     (branch for-upstream, tag for-upstream-v3)
> See readme there for build instructions.
> Beware: building on Debian is dangerous, as it require installing "dracut",
> which will remove initramfs-tools. You may end up with broken initrd on
> your host.

Just as an FYI, Marek's use of dracut is mainly for dracut-install to
copy a binary & dependent libraries when generating the initramfs
The initramfs isn't running dracut scripts.  Using initramfs-tools
hook-functions:copy_exec() for similar functionality is a possibility.

> 1. There are extra patches for qemu that are necessary to run it in 
> stubdomain.
> While it is desirable to upstream them, I think it can be done after merging
> libxl part. Stubdomain's qemu build will in most cases be separate anyway, to
> limit qemu's dependencies (so the stubdomain size).

A mostly unpatched QEMU works for networking & disk.  The exception is
PCI passthrough, which needs some patches.  I tested this by removing
patches from Marek's repo, except for the seccomp ones and
disable-nic-option-rom.patch.  Without disable-nic-option-rom.patch,
QEMU fails to start with 'failed to find romfile "efi-rtl8139.rom"'

One issue I've noticed is QEMU ~4.1 calls getrandom() during startup.
In a stubdom there is insufficient entropy, so QEMU blocks and stubdom
startup times out.  You can avoid getrandom() blocking with
or some other way of adding entropy.


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