On 21.01.20 17:56, Kevin Stange wrote:

I looked around a bit and wasn't able to find a good answer to this, so
George suggested I ask here.

Cc-ing Jim.

Since Xen 4.12, credit2 is the default scheduler, but at least as of
libvirt 5.1.0 virsh doesn't appear to understand credit2 and produces
this sort of output:

# xl sched-credit2 -d yw6hk7mo6zy3k8
Name                                ID Weight  Cap
yw6hk7mo6zy3k8                       4     10    0
# virsh schedinfo yw6hk7mo6zy3k8
Scheduler      : credit2

Compared to a host running credit:

# xl sched-credit -d gvz2b16sq38dv9
Name                                ID Weight  Cap
gvz2b16sq38dv9                      14    800    0
# virsh schedinfo gvz2b16sq38dv9
Scheduler      : credit
weight         : 800
cap            : 0

Trying to change the weight does nothing, not even producing an error

# virsh schedinfo syuxplsmdihcwc --weight 300
Scheduler      : credit2

# xl sched-credit2 -d syuxplsmdihcwc
Name                                ID Weight  Cap
syuxplsmdihcwc                      23    400    0

Is there a version of libvirt where I can expect this to work, or is it
not supported yet?  As a workaround for now I've added sched=credit to
my command line, but it would be nice to gain the benefits of improved
scheduling at some point.

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