> On Jan 20, 2020, at 11:41 PM, Nick Rosbrook <rosbro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The other option would be to expose the XTL logging levels and let the
>> caller set them somehow.
> I think this is fine for now.
> For the future, I like using the "functional option" pattern for this
> sort of thing. That way, if a user wanted to set a non-default log
> level, they could do:
> ctx, err := xenlight.NewContext(xenlight.WithLogLevel(lvl))
> but if they do not need to specify any options, it's still just:
> ctx, err := xenlight.NewContext()

You know, I somehow remembered the “use a function to set options” pattern (and 
have a  mock-up for that in the “NewType()” patch later), but didn’t notice 
that such function were variadic.  That’s a lot nicer.

But really, we need a way to actually create a logger properly.  Apparently one 
thing libvirt does is to create a logger to a file for each guest.  That’s 
something our package users  might want to do at some point.

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