On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 4:36 AM Paul Durrant <pdurr...@amazon.com> wrote:
> This patch adds a 'domid' field to libxl_domain_create_info and then
> modifies do_domain_create() to use that value if it is valid. Any valid
> domid will be checked against the retired domid list before being passed
> to libxl__domain_make().
> If the domid value is invalid then Xen will choose the domid, as before,
> unless the value is the new special RANDOM_DOMID value added to the API.
> This value instructs libxl__domain_make() to select a random domid value,
> check it for validity, verify it does not match a retired domain, and then
> pass it to Xen's XEN_DOMCTL_createdomain operation. If Xen determines that
> it co-incides with an existing domain, a new random value will be
> selected and the operation will be re-tried.
> NOTE: libxl__logv() is also modified to only log valid domid values in
>       messages rather than any domid, valid or otherwise, that is not
> Signed-off-by: Paul Durrant <pdurr...@amazon.com>

Looks good.
Reviewed-by: Jason Andryuk <jandr...@gmail.com>

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