At the moment, the diagram is only indented with 2 spaces. So pandoc
will try to badly interpret it and not display it correctly.

Fix it by indenting all the block by 4 spaces (i.e an extra 2 spaces).

Fixes: d661611d08 ("docs/markdown: Switch to using pandoc, and fix underscore 
Signed-off-by: Julien Grall <>
 docs/misc/pvcalls.pandoc | 36 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/misc/pvcalls.pandoc b/docs/misc/pvcalls.pandoc
index 0c48b29842..729cf97bdf 100644
--- a/docs/misc/pvcalls.pandoc
+++ b/docs/misc/pvcalls.pandoc
@@ -867,24 +867,24 @@ and the second half to the **out** array. They are used 
as circular
 buffers for transferring data, and, together, they are the data ring.
-  +---------------------------+                 Indexes page
-  | Command ring:             |                 +----------------------+
-  | @0: xen_pvcalls_connect:  |                 |@0 pvcalls_data_intf: |
-  | @44: ref  +-------------------------------->+@76: ring_order = 1   |
-  |                           |                 |@80: ref[0]+          |
-  +---------------------------+                 |@84: ref[1]+          |
-                                                |           |          |
-                                                |           |          |
-                                                +----------------------+
-                                                            |
-                                                            v (data ring)
-                                                    +-------+-----------+
-                                                    |  @0->4098: in     |
-                                                    |  ref[0]           |
-                                                    |-------------------|
-                                                    |  @4099->8196: out |
-                                                    |  ref[1]           |
-                                                    +-------------------+
+        +---------------------------+                 Indexes page
+        | Command ring:             |                 +----------------------+
+        | @0: xen_pvcalls_connect:  |                 |@0 pvcalls_data_intf: |
+        | @44: ref  +-------------------------------->+@76: ring_order = 1   |
+        |                           |                 |@80: ref[0]+          |
+        +---------------------------+                 |@84: ref[1]+          |
+                                                      |           |          |
+                                                      |           |          |
+                                                      +----------------------+
+                                                                  |
+                                                                  v (data ring)
+                                                          +-------+-----------+
+                                                          |  @0->4098: in     |
+                                                          |  ref[0]           |
+                                                          |-------------------|
+                                                          |  @4099->8196: out |
+                                                          |  ref[1]           |
+                                                          +-------------------+
 #### Indexes Page Structure

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