Hi Tamas,

On 08/01/2020 17:14, Tamas K Lengyel wrote:
+static int mem_sharing_fork(struct domain *d, struct domain *cd)
+    int rc;
+    if ( !d->controller_pause_count &&
+         (rc = domain_pause_by_systemcontroller(d)) )

AFAIU, the parent domain will be paused if it wasn't paused before and this will not be unpaused by the same hypercall. Right?

If so, this brings two questions:
    - What would happen if the toolstack decide to unpause the domain?
- How does the caller knows whether this was paused by the hypercall or not?

I would also suggest to document the behavior of the hypercall as this is not entirely obvious that the domain will be paused here.

+        return rc;
+    cd->max_pages = d->max_pages;
+    cd->max_vcpus = d->max_vcpus;
+    /* this is preemptible so it's the first to get done */
+    if ( (rc = fork_hap_allocation(d, cd)) )
+        return rc;
+    if ( (rc = bring_up_vcpus(cd, d->cpupool)) )
+        return rc;
+    if ( (rc = hvm_copy_context_and_params(d, cd)) )
+        return rc;
+    fork_tsc(d, cd);
+    cd->parent = d;

How do you ensure that the parent domain will not get destroyed before the forked domain? Do you have a refcount somewhere?

+    return 0;


Julien Grall

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