On 20/12/2019 18:24, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Andrew Cooper writes ("[PATCH] libxc/migration: Drop unimplemneted domain 
> types"):
>> x86 PVH is completely obsolete - it was intended for legacy PVH before that
>> idea was abandoned.  There was an RFC series for ARM in 2015, but there is
>> plenty of outstanding work which hasn't been done yet.
>> No functional change.  New types can be (re)introduced with the code which
>> actually implements them.
> ...
>> -            0x0003: x86 PVH.
>> -
>> -            0x0004: ARM.
>> -
>> -            0x0005 - 0xFFFFFFFF: Reserved.
>> +            0x0003 - 0xFFFFFFFF: Reserved.
> This is reclaiming those numbers.


> Could there be any software which uses them ?

Not plausibly, no, given...

> Eg, maybe someone put the RFC series into production ?

... the rather large set of outstanding TODO items in IanC's RFC series,
which included "the hypervisor is unstable when logdirty gets enabled" IIRC.


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