> On 6 Dec 2019, at 14:21, Andrew Cooper <andrew.coop...@citrix.com> wrote:
> On 03/12/2019 09:17, George Dunlap wrote:
>>> On Dec 2, 2019, at 5:01 PM, Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.w...@oracle.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Dec 02, 2019 at 03:55:04PM +0000, Andrew Cooper wrote:
>>>> On 02/12/2019 15:53, Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk wrote:
>>>>>>> I plan to release ack the patch in case the missing maintainer's acks
>>>>>>> are not coming in too late.
>>>>>> I think Andy's objection was that there has been zero testing of
>>>>>> livepatching on gcc.  Maybe we can find someone to do a smoke-test.
>>>>> As in integrate livepatch-build tools in osstest smoke-tests?
>>>>> Because the livepatch test cases are in osstest, unless something went 
>>>>> awry?
>>>> The sum total of livepatch testing in OSSTest is using the hand-coded
>>>> ELF objects from the tests/ directory.
>>>> This is perhaps ok for the basic mechanism, but its not representative
>>>> of actually building real livepatches using livepatch build tools.
>>> True. But it tests the _hypervisor_ livepatch code.
>>> I am thinking that this discussion about "oh, but livepatch-build tools 
>>> don't work b/c"
>>> is well <shrug> sucks but should never block an release as the core
>>> livepatch functionality is OK.
>> I think a parallel is if Xen doesn’t build with a particular version of the 
>> compiler, or can’t build on a particular distro for some reason.  We should 
>> certainly *try* to make things work with other projects, but if the issue is 
>> clearly with the other project, we shouldn’t have to block to wait for that 
>> other project to get things sorted out.
> This isn't a valid comparison.
> livepatch-build-tools is a concrete thing, built and maintained by us
> (the Xen community), explicitly for the purpose generating livepatches
> between two versions of Xen.  It lives at
> https://xenbits.xen.org/gitweb/?p=livepatch-build-tools.git;a=summary 
> <https://xenbits.xen.org/gitweb/?p=livepatch-build-tools.git;a=summary> on
> xenbits, just like xen.git.

First a couple of questions: I noticed that neither Ross to xen-devel is on 
this thread

I agree with Andy: we got away lucky so far, as there have been few changes to 
the live patch-build-tools

> It *should* be used in OSSTest, have a push gate, and block breaking
> changes either to Xen or to the tools themselves, before the breaking
> changes get accepted into master of either repo.

Although I agree with you, we should not block 4.13 for it and do some manual 
testing for this release
But we should have a plan in place for 4.14 to address this and maybe agree to 
block 4.14 if that has not happened

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