On 11/21/19 3:02 PM, Alexandru Stefan ISAILA wrote:
> By default the sve bits are not set.
> This patch adds a new hypercall, xc_altp2m_set_supress_ve_multi(),
> to set a range of sve bits.
> The core function, p2m_set_suppress_ve_multi(), does not brake in case
> of a error and it is doing a best effort for setting the bits in the
> given range. A check for continuation is made in order to have
> preemption on big ranges.
> Signed-off-by: Alexandru Isaila <aisa...@bitdefender.com>

There's something strangely deformed in your mail that makes it hard for
me to apply the patches to my tree, and I'm not sure why.

It seems the core mail is base64-encrypted; and that *inside* that
base64 encryption is a bunch of Windows-style linefeeds.  The result is
that when I try to download your series and apply it with git-am, I get
loads of rejected hunks with "^M" at the end of them.

Sometimes I've been able to work around this by going on patchew.org/Xen
and getting an mbox from there; but it doesn't seem to have your series
(perhaps because it doesn't have a cover letter).

Looking at the headers, it seems this is coming from git itself.  Do you
perhaps have "transferEncoding" set to "base64"?  If so, chance you
could try setting it to 'auto', and setting 'assume8bitEncoding = true"?

Not sure why this is such a pain; it seems like this should have been
sorted out somehow by now.


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