
I would like to paravirtualize several instances of a minimal Linux solution 
with xen. Guest OS have a PCI passthrough access on  the ethernet interfaces.
I use a pvops kernel 4.4.122 , xen 4.11.2 and an x86 platform. My hardware 
platform doesn't support IOMMU but I doesn't need hard segmentation between OS 
with this platform.
I got a bug when the Ethernet driver configures the MSI for a domU from a domU.
pciback 0000:00:14.3: xen map irq failed -19 for 1 domain

Please find the bug description and maybe a solution :

1) dom1 is configured to use 0000:00:14.3
in file /etc/xen/dom1 :
and kernel bootparam include "iommu=soft"

2) xen-pciback is loaded in dom0 :
> modprobe xen-pciback passthrough=1 hide='(0000:00:14.3)'
> xl pci-assignable-list

(xen-pciback is not loaded in dom1)

3) Xen debug terminal print that all the PCI devices are linked to dom0 before 
and after xen-pciback probing
 (XEN) 0000:00:14.3 - dom 0   - node -1  - MSIs < >

4) no error are detected when I start dom1
> xl create /etc/xen/dom1
or with
> xl pci-attach dom1 00:14.3

5) For each Ethernet device I see the following call to the hypervisor
 - xc_domain_iomem_permission
 - xc_domain_ioport_permission
 - xc_domain_iomem_permission
 - xc_physdev_map_pirq
 - xc_domain_irq_permission
 - xc_assign_device

none of them update the pdev->domain or the pdev->domain->domain_id of the pdev 
element linked with the bfd 0000:00:14.3 (devfn 163)

6) Xen debug terminal prints again that all the  PCI devices are linked to dom0
 (XEN) 0000:00:14.3 - dom 0   - node -1  - MSIs < >

I guess that this is normal because Dom0 will allow dom1 to configure the 
device (IRQ & DMA) thanks to xen-pciback. Could you confirm me this assertion ?

7) When the Ethernet driver (igb) of dom1 configure MSI. xen failed to map MSI 
irqs because map_domain_pirq call pci_get_pdev_by_domain with domain_id 1 and 
the device is linked with domain_id 0
> modprobe igb
 igb: Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Intel Corporation.
 igb 0000:00:14.3: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)
 igb 0000:00:14.3: Xen PCI mapped GSI23 to IRQ25
 en_initdom_setup_msi_irqs:xen map irq map_irq.domid 3, map_irq.type 3  
map_irq.index -1 , map_irq.pirq -1
 xen_initdom_setup_msi_irqs:xen map irq map_irq.bus 0, map_irq.devfn 163
 pciback 0000:00:14.3:   PCI_CAP_ID_MSIX

There,HYPERVISOR_physdev_op and  PHYSDEVOP_map_pirq  call map_domain_pirq :
 (XEN)          map_domain_pirq--> call pci_get_pdev_by_domain
 (XEN)          pci_get_pdev_by_domain-->
 (XEN)                          domain->domain_id 1
 (XEN)                          seg 0 bus 0 devfn 163

Unfortunately the device is already mapped to domain 0 and 
pci_get_pdev_by_domain don't found the device ... So map_domain_pirq & 
HYPERVISOR_physdev_op return -19 :
 pciback 0000:00:14.3: xen map irq failed -19 for 2 domain

I don't find any hypervisor syscall able to assign my device to a domU. 
xc_assign_device is cancelled because iommu is disabled.
libxl_pci.c:1137:do_pci_add: Domain 3:do_pci_add --> call xc_assign_device  -> 
hypervisor call arch_do_domctl--> iommu_do_domctl--> CANCELLED

To solve my issue , I just need to replace in map_domain_pirq in 
 pdev = pci_get_pdev_by_domain(d, msi->seg, msi->bus, msi->devfn);
 pdev = pci_get_pdev(msi->seg, msi->bus, msi->devfn);

With this "fix" in Xen, dom1 can use the ethernet device and its MSI that I see 
in /proc/interrupt

I use a customized cross-compilation of xen and xen-tools for a customized 
mininal linux solution thanks to buildroot. This solution has been built from 
scratch. So I'm not sure that all the xen components work perfectly. However, 
everything seem to work with my modifications (CPU, ethernet, memory, disk, 
interrupt ...)

So is it really a bug ? or just a configuration error ? maybe a parameter has 
been forgotten  in /etc/xen/domU ?

Thank you for your help

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