On Nov 28, 2019, at 05:12, Jan Beulich <jbeul...@suse.com> wrote:
> On 28.11.2019 01:54, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
>>> On Thu, 26 Sep 2019, Lars Kurth wrote:
>>> From: Lars Kurth <lars.ku...@citrix.com>
>>> This document highlights what reviewers such as maintainers and committers 
>>> look
>>> for when reviewing code. It sets expectations for code authors and provides
>>> a framework for code reviewers.
>> I think the document is missing a couple of things:
>> - a simple one line statement that possibly the most important thing in
>>  a code review is to indentify any bugs in the code
>> - an explanation that requests for major changes to the series should be
>>  made early on (i.e. let's not change the architecture of a feature at
>>  v9 if possible) I also made this comment in reply to patch #5. I'll
>>  let you decide where is the best place for it.
> This needs balancing. People crucial to the evaluation of a new
> feature and its implementation simply may not have the time to
> reply prior to v9. We've had situations where people posted new
> revisions every other day, sometimes even more than one per day.
> As indicated in several other contexts before - imo people not
> helping to shoulder the review load should also not have the
> expectation that their (large) contributions will be looked at
> in due course. 

To make this actionable, we could have:

- reviewer demand index:  automated index of open patches still in need of 
review, sorted by decreasing age

- review flow control:  each new patch submission cites one recent review by 
the patch submitter, for a patch of comparable size

- reviewer supply growth:  a bootstrapping guide for new reviewers and 
submitters, with patterns, anti-patterns, and examples to be emulated

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