On 28/11/2019 14:51, Ross Lagerwall wrote:
> The patch "build: provide option to disambiguate symbol names" changes
> ENFORCE_UNIQUE_SYMBOLS so that gcc generates output to a temporary file
> and then objcopy is used to create the final object file. This breaks
> livepatch-build's interposition of GCC to capture the changed object
> files so intercept calls to objcopy as well to capture the final object
> files.
> While in the area, add a couple of extra object files to be ignored when
> patching.
> Signed-off-by: Ross Lagerwall <ross.lagerw...@citrix.com>
> ---
> With this change, I've built and successfully applied a trivial
> livepatch with Jan's patch applied and ENFORCE_UNIQUE_SYMBOLS turned on.

Can confirm the same with my test LP. So

    Tested-by: Sergey Dyasli <sergey.dya...@citrix.com>

can go to both this and Jan's patch I guess.


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