On 10/24/19 7:49 PM, Nick Rosbrook wrote:
>> One standard practice when making a series is to try to avoid any
>> regressions, including build regressions, in the middle of the series.
>> This is particularly helpful to aid in bisections, but in this case it
>> makes it easier to observe the action of the `gengotypes.py` script (and
>> how it's meant to be called).
>> So I would basically make this part of patch 2, except remove references
>> to xenlight_helpers.go until the patch where that file is generated.
> Ah yeah that makes sense, I'll correct this in v2.
>> It might be nice to have a naming convention for the generated files
>> that clues people in to the fact that they're generated (other than the
>> comment at the top of course).  In libxl, this is done by giving them a
>> leading underscore (e.g., _libxl_type.h); but the go compiler will
>> helpfully ignore such files. :-)
>> The go compiler will also do special things sometimes with things after
>> a `_`; e.g., "${foo}_test.go" will only be compiled for `go test`,
>> "${foo}_linux.go" will only be compiled on Linux, and so on.  I'm pretty
>> sure these names will be safe, but it might be slightly more
>> future-proof to avoid using an underscore in the names.
> +1 for a naming convention that says "this file is generated." But,
> the only special
> cases that I'm aware of for go file name suffixes are "test", and
> valid GOOS and GOARCH
> values. It's conventional to use underscores for compounded file
> names, and unnecessary
> to avoid them.
> To reference gRPC again, their protobuf compiler writes file names
> like 'package.pb.go', where
> pb is short for protobuf. So, I think something like
> '<name>_generated.go', or '<name>.idl.go'
> could work.
Both of those are OK.  I might go with "gen_*.go" to be a bit shorter,
or ".idlgen.go" to make it clear that this is /generated from/ and idl,
and not an idl itself.  But I don't have strong opinions; any of those
four options would be fine with me.


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