On 24.10.19 12:48, Ian Jackson wrote:
Jürgen Groß writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] [xen-unstable test] 143061: regressions -
trouble: broken/fail/pass"):
On 24.10.19 08:47, osstest service owner wrote:
test-arm64-arm64-examine 11 examine-serial/bootloader fail REGR. vs.
I'm not sure what has gone wrong here? The serial logs seem to be fine
for me, but maybe I'm missing something?
There is a known bug with two of our arm64 boxes, where they lose some
of the output during boot. This is not important for operational use
of those boxes in a normal context, but in our context being able to
get all the boot messages is important for debugging hypervisors and
kernels, so osstest has a test that this works properly. It is that
test that fails.
If this is the only failure, we should force push.
Agreed. Can you do so, please?
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