On 08.10.2019 15:52, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki  wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 08, 2019 at 03:08:29PM +0200, Jan Beulich wrote:
>> On 08.10.2019 13:50, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki  wrote:
>>> On Thu, Aug 08, 2019 at 08:03:49AM +0200, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>> On 08.08.2019 04:53, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki  wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 07, 2019 at 09:26:00PM +0200, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Ok, regardless of adding proper option for that, I've hardcoded map_bs=1
>>>>>> and it still crashes, just slightly differently:
>>>>>>      Xen call trace:
>>>>>>         [<0000000000000080>] 0000000000000080
>>>>>>         [<8c2b0398e0000daa>] 8c2b0398e0000daa
>>>>>>      Pagetable walk from ffffffff858483a1:
>>>>>>         L4[0x1ff] = 0000000000000000 ffffffffffffffff
>>>>>>      ****************************************
>>>>>>      Panic on CPU 0:
>>>>>>      FATAL PAGE FAULT
>>>>>>      [error_code=0002]
>>>>>>      Faulting linear address: ffffffff858483a1
>>>>>>      ****************************************
>>>>>> Full message attached.
>>>>> After playing more with it and also know workarounds for various EFI
>>>>> issues, I've found a way to boot it: avoid calling Exit BootServices.
>>>>> There was a patch from Konrad adding /noexit option, that never get
>>>>> committed. Similar to efi=mapbs option, I'd add efi=no-exitboot too
>>>>> (once efi=mapbs patch is accepted).
>>>>> Anyway, I'm curious what exactly is wrong here. Is it that the firmware
>>>>> is not happy about lack of SetVirtualAddressMap call? FWIW, the crash is
>>>>> during GetVariable RS call. I've verified that the function itself is
>>>>> within EfiRuntimeServicesCode, but I don't feel like tracing Lenovo
>>>>> UEFI...
>>>> This suggests that the firmware zaps a few too many pointers
>>>> during ExitBootServices(). Perhaps internally they check
>>>> whether pointers point into BootServices* memory, and hence the
>>>> wrong marking in the memory map has consequences beyond the OS
>>>> re-using such memory?
>>>> A proper answer to your question can of course only be given
>>>> by someone knowing this specific firmware version.
>>> I explored it a bit more and talked with a few people doing firmware
>>> development and few conclusions:
>>> 1. Not calling SetVirtualAddressMap(), while technically legal, is
>>> pretty uncommon and not recommended if you want to avoid less tested
>>> (aka buggy) UEFI code paths.
>>> 2. Every UEFI call before SetVirtualAddressMap() call should be done
>>> with flat physical memory. This include SetVirtualAddressMap() call
>>> itself. Implicitly this means such calls can legally access memory areas
>>> not marked with EFI_MEMORY_RUNTIME.
>> I don't think this is quite right - whether non-runtime memory may
>> be touched depends exclusively on ExitBootServices() (not) having
>> got called (yet).
> That would be logical. In practice however we have evidences firmware
> vendors have different opinion... A comment from Linux (already quoted
> here 2 months ago):
>     /*
>      * The UEFI specification makes it clear that the operating system is
>      * free to do whatever it wants with boot services code after
>      * ExitBootServices() has been called. Ignoring this recommendation a
>      * significant bunch of EFI implementations continue calling into boot
>      * services code (SetVirtualAddressMap). In order to work around such
>      * buggy implementations we reserve boot services region during EFI
>      * init and make sure it stays executable. Then, after
>      * SetVirtualAddressMap(), it is discarded.
>      *
>      * However, some boot services regions contain data that is required
>      * by drivers, so we need to track which memory ranges can never be
>      * freed. This is done by tagging those regions with the
>      * EFI_MEMORY_RUNTIME attribute.
>      *
>      * Any driver that wants to mark a region as reserved must use
>      * efi_mem_reserve() which will insert a new EFI memory descriptor
>      * into efi.memmap (splitting existing regions if necessary) and tag
>      * it with EFI_MEMORY_RUNTIME.
>      */
But you realize that the comment specifically talks about
the call tree underneath SetVirtualAddressMap() being the violator.
As long as we don't call this function, we're unaffected as far as
this comment goes.

> Regardless of SetVirtualAddressMap() discussion, I propose to
> automatically map boot services code/data, to make Xen work on more
> machines (even if _we_ consider those buggy). 

I remain on my prior position: Adding command line triggerable
workarounds for such cases is fine. Defaulting to assume buggy
firmware is acceptable only if this means no extra penalty to
systems with conforming firmware. Hence, for the case at hand,
I object to doing this automatically; we already have the
/mapbs workaround in place to deal with the case when xen.efi
is used. Judging from the title here there may need to be an
addition to also allow triggering this from the MB2 boot path.

>>> Then I've tried a different approach: call SetVirtualAddressMap(), but
>>> with an address map that tries to pretend physical addressing (the code
>>> under #ifndef USE_SET_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_MAP). This mostly worked, I needed
>>> only few changes:
>>>  - set VirtualStart back to PhysicalStart in that memory map (it was set
>>>    to directmap)
>>>  - map boot services (at least for the SetVirtualAddressMap() call time,
>>>    but haven't tried unmapping it later)
>>>  - call SetVirtualAddressMap() with that "1:1" map in place, using
>>>    efi_rs_enter/efi_rs_leave.
>>> This fixed the issue for me, now runtime services do work even without
>>> disabling ExitBootServices() call. And without any extra
>>> platform-specific command line arguments. And I think it also shouldn't 
>>> break
>>> kexec, since it uses 1:1-like map, but I haven't tried. One should
>>> simply ignore EFI_UNSUPPORTED return code (I don't know how to avoid the
>>> call at all after kexec).
>> That's the point - it can't be avoided, and hence it failing is not
>> an option. Or else there needs to be a protocol telling kexec what
>> it is to expect, and that it in particular can't change the virtual
>> address map to its liking. Back at the time when I put together the
>> EFI booting code, no such protocol existed, and hence calling
>> SetVirtualAddressMap() was not an option. I have no idea whether
>> things have changed in the meantime.
> Hmm, how is it different from the current situation? Not calling
> SetVirtualAddressMap() means UEFI will not be notified about new address
> map. It does _not_ mean it will use 1:1 map, it will use what was
> previously set.

What do you mean by "previously set"? SetVirtualAddressMap() can be
invoked only once during a given session (i.e. without intervening
boot). How would other than a 1:1 map have got set?

> What if Xen was kexec'ed from Linux?
> In Linux case, it looks like it passes around the EFI memory map using
> some Linux-specific mechanism, but I don't find it particularly
> appealing option.


> What about something in between: make this SetVirtualAddressMap() call
> compile-time option (kconfig), depending on !CONFIG_KEXEC ? And when
> enabled, properly handle SetVirtualAddressMap() failure.

What is "proper handling" here?

> I my case,
> where I do care about supporting various UEFI implementations, I don't
> need kexec support. And apparently people carrying about kexec don't
> have problems with lack of SetVirtualAddressMap(), so that would be
> win-win, no?

Allowing SetVirtualAddressMap() when !KEXEC would be fine with me.
The fly in the ointment here is that we'd prefer not to have such
Kconfig options (at least not without EXPERT qualifier), as
(security) supporting all the possible combinations would be a
nightmare. If an EXPERT dependency is okay with you, then I'll be
looking forward to your patch.


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