On Wed, Oct 02, 2019 at 06:19:44PM +0200, Kateryna Razumova wrote:
> Dear Liu,
> oh, I thought that xen participates in Outreachy in order to get new
> contributors via easing the entrance process.
> But it seems that a potential contributor to xen should already have some
> knowledge of xen (for example, how to find a bug, since there are no issues
> on github and no visible link to bugzilla). I didn't know that!
> I am really sorry for this inconvenience!!!

There is no need to be sorry for anything.

To be clear, we don't assume prior knowledge of Xen. We require interns
to get familiarised with the development process by reading relevant
materials.  After reading the materials they should ask specific
questions about the process.

We used to have a centralised place for easy bugs, but I think most
low-hanging fruits are already gone.  That's why I asked potential
interns to submit patches to fix typos in the hypervisor code base --
just open a file that interests you and see if you find any typos in
comments.  Being able to find and fix a real bug would be nice, but
that's not a hard requirement. The key point is to go through the
development process and interact with the community.


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