Paul Durrant writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH-for-4.13] libxl: choose an 
appropriate default for passthrough..."):
> Ping? Can I get a response on this (w.r.t. 'enabled' vs. 'unknown')
> before doing a v2? This issue is currently blocking a push, I believe.

I definitely think we should introduce "unknown".

> > So, would you advocate an 'unknown' value then? That's essentially just a 
> > rename operation on 'enabled'.

I think we probably want "enabled" as well but that can wait.  If for
now you rename "unknown" that will do.

> > The code in xl_parse.c is there for a reason though; the appropriate amount 
> > of extra memory for the IOMMU page tables has to be determined there 
> > because the 'build' parts of libxl seem to be largely firewalled from the 
> > 'create' parts and thus the relevant information is not available to decide 
> > the appropriate overhead.

I want to look into this more deeply.


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