On 24/09/2019 18:29, Dario Faggioli wrote:
> On Tue, 2019-09-24 at 12:15 +0100, Sergey Dyasli wrote:
>> Hi Juergen,
>> After an extensive testing of your jgross1/sched-v3 branch in XenRT,
>> I'm happy to say that we've found no functional regressions so far
>> when running in the default (thread/cpu) mode.
>> Hopefully this gives some level of confidence to this series and the
>> plan about including it into 4.13 [1]
> Thanks a lot for doing this, and for letting us know.
Additionally, we've got performance test results today and they showed
no noticeable regressions in thread mode against 4.13 without
core-scheduling patches.

> Can I ask whether the tests were done using Credit2 (i.e., upstream
> default) or Credit1, as scheduler?
That was Credit1 that we use in the product.


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