On 10/09/2019, 16:31, "Julien Grall" <julien.gr...@arm.com> wrote:
    Actually, I have one question about the template (my ack still stands).
    On 9/10/19 4:18 PM, Julien Grall wrote:
    > Hi Lars,
    > On 9/4/19 12:30 PM, Lars Kurth wrote:
    >> This change provides sufficient information to allow get_maintainer.pl /
    >> add_maintainers.pl scripts to be run on xen sister repositories such as
    >> mini-os.git, osstest.git, etc
    >> A suggested template for sister repositories of Xen is
    >> ========================================================
    >> This file follows the same conventions as outlined in
    >> xen.git:MAINTAINERS. Please refer to the file in xen.git
    >> for more information.
    >> THE REST
    >> M:      MAINTAINER1 <maintain...@email.com>
    >> M:      MAINTAINER2 <maintain...@email.com>
    >> L:      xen-devel@lists.xenproject.org
    I was under the impression that the scripts would be used for Unikraft. 
    If so, do we expect them to CC xen-devel everytime?

In that case, the template has to be adapted. I was mainly thinking of 
XTF, OSSTEST, livepatch-build-tools. If it were used say for minios
(which I think it should)  the L: field would obviously need changing
Once this series is through, I will submit maintainer files for all those
projects making sure that they have the right L: field.

    If the answer is no, then we will probably want to add_maintainers.pl.
I basically dropped the original patch for Unikraft as nobody has responded.
I was not planning to pick this up, unless someone from Unikraft runs with it 


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