On 06/09/2019, 16:10, "Roger Pau Monne" <roger....@citrix.com> wrote:

    On Wed, Sep 04, 2019 at 07:12:18PM +0100, Lars Kurth wrote:
    > +## Conduct Team members
    > +Conduct Team members are project leadership team members from any
    > +sub-project. The current list of Conduct Team members is:
    > +* Lars Kurth <lars dot kurth at xenproject dot org>
    > +* George Dunlap <george dot dunlap at citrix dot com>
    > +* Ian Jackson <ian dot jackson at citrix dot com>
    > +
    > +Conduct Team members are changed by proposing a change to this document,
    > +posted on all sub-project lists, followed by a formal global vote as 
outlined [here]: https://xenproject.org/developers/governance/#project-decisions
    Could you break the above line to match the existing line length of
    the document?
Sure, I can do this in the next revision

I intentionally didn't do line breaks on most changes to make sure that the 
differences can be seen

Also, we will probably never publish this content anywhere but on the main 
website (as html generated from the MD)


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