> On Aug 22, 2019, at 09:51, Andrew Cooper <andrew.coop...@citrix.com> wrote:
>> On 22/08/2019 03:06, Johnson, Ethan wrote:
>> For HVM, obviously anything that can't be virtualized natively by the 
>> hardware needs to be emulated by Xen/QEMU (since the guest kernel isn't 
>> expected to be cooperative to issue PV hypercalls instead); but I would 
>> expect emulation to be limited to the relatively small subset of the ISA 
>> that VMX/SVM can't natively virtualize. Yet I see that x86_emulate.c 
>> supports emulating just about everything. Under what circumstances does 
>> Xen actually need to put all that emulation code to use?
> Introspection, as I said earlier, which is potentially any instruction.

Could introspection-specific emulation code be disabled via KConfig?


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