On 8/19/19 7:28 PM, Andrew Cooper wrote:
> On 19/08/2019 14:56, Michał Kowalczyk wrote:
>> On 8/19/19 3:52 PM, Andrew Cooper wrote:
>>> On 19/08/2019 14:50, Michał Kowalczyk wrote:
>>>> On 8/19/19 11:04 AM, Andrew Cooper wrote:
>>>>> On 19/08/2019 03:23, Michał Kowalczyk wrote:
>>>>>> diff --git a/xen/arch/x86/boot/trampoline.S 
>>>>>> b/xen/arch/x86/boot/trampoline.S
>>>>>> index 7c6a2328d2..fcaa3eeaf1 100644
>>>>>> --- a/xen/arch/x86/boot/trampoline.S
>>>>>> +++ b/xen/arch/x86/boot/trampoline.S
>>>>>> @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ trampoline_gdt:
>>>>>>          .long   trampoline_gdt + BOOT_PSEUDORM_DS + 2 - .
>>>>>>          .popsection
>>>>>> -GLOBAL(trampoline_misc_enable_off)
>>>>>> +GLOBAL(misc_enable_off)
>>>>> The overall change is fine, but why have you renamed this variable?
>>>> The old name had "trampoline_" prefix because the only place where it
>>>> was used was trampoline_protmode_entry in arch/x86/boot/trampoline.S.
>>>> Now it's also used in the wakeup code, so I removed the prefix which
>>>> could be (IMO) misleading.
>>>>> Without the rename, the patch would be just the single hunk in wakeup.S
>>>>> and therefore easier to backport.
>>>> True. Anyway, the decision is on your side, I can leave the old name if
>>>> you prefer.
>>> The trampoline_ prefix indicates where the data lives, which is in the
>>> 16 bit trampoline which contains both the AP boot path, and wakeup path.
>> Ah, if this is the convention you use then we should leave the old name.
>>> If you're happy with this, I can adjust on commit to avoid you sending a
>>> second time.
>> Would be great, thanks!
> Done.
> https://xenbits.xen.org/gitweb/?p=xen.git;a=commitdiff;h=c3cfa5b3084d71bccd8360d044bea813688b587c
Looks good.

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