On Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 10:40 AM Jan Beulich <jbeul...@suse.com> wrote:
> On 31.07.2019 18:20, Viktor Mitin wrote:
> > How all those projects live without this issue?
> Perhaps they don't care? I do.
> > What is the reason not to fix 'diff -p'? Is it not possible at all?
> I have no idea, but I guess there's a reason for its current
> behavior.

Jan, it seems it is not a good idea to modify the Xen coding style
without investigation of the issue first. It takes some effort to
automate every such (or similar) exceptional code formatting case. So
it looks we could find a better option, than just adding one more
exception to Xen coding style, at least worth to investigate it first.

> > Could you please share more details about the background of the issue
> > and examples?
> What (further) background and what kind of examples are you after?

I expected you to have some arguments why it cannot be fixed in the
diff or other tools.
The examples I meant are any real patches code examples to be used for
this investigation.
Hopefully, you care about it, as you mentioned previously.


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