> On 26 Jul 2019, at 13:30, Viktor Mitin <viktor.mitin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> The Xen Project has a coding standard in place, but like many
> projects, the standard is only enforced through peer review. Such
> mistakes slip through and code is imported from other projects which
> may not follow the same standard. The goal would be to come up with a
> tool that can audit the code base as part of a CI loop for code style
> inconsistencies and potentially provide corrections. This tool is to
> embed as a part of the continuous integration loop. For clarity, let’s
> call such a tool as ‘Xen checkpatch tool’.
> References for those who are interested in the background are in [5].
> The idea of the new tool is to use the clang-format approach as a base
> for Xen ‘checkpatch’ process. The new tool consists of modified
> clang-format binary and modified clang-format-diff.py python script to
> automate Xen patches format checking and reformatting. The tool can be
> used as a pre-commit hook to check and format every patch
> automatically. See the tool code under [1].
> Known limitations:
> Xen coding style
> Xen coding style is defined in two 'CODING_STYLE' documents in Xen
> code: Xen common coding style and Xen libxl coding style. The
> documents describe some of the coding style rules. However, there is
> no information about ‘base’ coding style used (i.e. K&R, Linux, LLVM,
> Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit…). For this reason, it is unclear
> how to deal with some of the coding style rules not described in the
> Xen coding style documents. See examples of the tool output under [2].
> Clang-format
> Generally, the design of clang-format is to only make formatting
> changes, not adding or removing tokens (there are some exceptions to
> this, like wrapping string literals). It means that clang-format can't
> add or remove braces or change the style of the comments from C89 to
> C++. Tool clang-tidy can make syntactic changes to the code. However,
> unfortunately, clang-tidy is a heavyweight tool as it needs the
> compile options to parse the file (See [3] and [4])
> This can be clang generic limitation, e.g. we might want to add a
> possibility to clang to alter the code, e.g. adding braces,
> characters, etc". The concern here is that it seems it is against main
> clang-format design principles, so those changes will not be
> integrated into clang-format mainstream. It should be checked with
> clang-format community first.
> As an option, to overcome the limitations of clang-format tool in the
> case of Xen coding style, it is possible to move some Xen code format
> logic to the modified clang-format-diff.py tool.
> Summary
> To sum up, it is possible to automate Xen patches format checking and
> corrections with some known clang-format limitations. Ideally, it
> would be good to slowly migrate the entire code-base to be conforming,
> thus eliminating the need for discussing and enforcing style issues
> manually on the mailing list. The ‘Xen checkpatch tool’ provides the
> closest approximation of the established Xen style (including styles
> not formally spelled out by CODING_STYLE, but commonly requested).
> The tool can be used as-is at the moment and improved later in case of
> necessity.
> The tool allows achieving automation of Xen patches format checking
> and corrections with some known clang-format limitations (see below).
> All the xen/*.c files have been tested with it.
> See the results of the tool output under [2].
> Summary of the changes:
> - Added 3 new formatting styles to cover all the cases mentioned in
> Xen coding style document: Xen, Libxl, Linux;
> - Added list of the files and corresponding style name mappings;
> - Added indentation according to Xen coding style;
> - Added white space formatting according to Xen coding style;
> - Added bracing support exception for do/while loops;
> Added to clang-format, however, probably this logic should be moved to
> python part (see known clang-format limitations above):
> - Braces should be omitted for blocks with a single statement. Note:
> these braces will be required by MISRA, for example, so it is probably
> worth adding such a requirement to the coding style.
> - Comments format requirements. Note: //-style comments are defined in
> C99 as well, and not just in the case of C++. C99 standard is 20-years
> old…
> To be added:
> - Emacs local variables. Open points: Why to keep emacs local
> variables in Xen code? What about other editors' comments (vim)?
> - Warning to stderr in the case when ‘unfixable’ line/s detected.
> To be fixed:
> - Max line length from 80 to 79 chars;
> - Disable // comments;
> The links:
> [1] 
> https://github.com/xen-troops/Xen-Clang-format/blob/devel/clang-format.patch
> [2] 
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/viktor-mitin/xen-clang-format-example/master/0001-clang-format-checkpatch-output-example.patch
> [3] https://developer.blender.org/T53211
> [4] 
> http://clang-developers.42468.n3.nabble.com/clang-format-add-around-statement-after-if-while-for-td4049620.html
> [5]
> Project status:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/10NJn-QvO1TvyJJJGE2PD6FtElYCT3neBAffIqeWHdiE/edit
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/10NJn-QvO1TvyJJJGE2PD6FtElYCT3neBAffIqeWHdiE/edit>
This seems to be an old outreachy document

> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tCcwZ9K38ToLGTPHZkfs2sS4s4YulrGoH8LIHwBMbg4/edit
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tCcwZ9K38ToLGTPHZkfs2sS4s4YulrGoH8LIHwBMbg4/edit>

I suppose this is the project status?

> Mailing list discussions:
> https://lists.xenproject.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2016-09/msg02848.html
> https://lists.xenproject.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2017-04/msg00131.html
> https://lists.xenproject.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2017-04/msg01739.html
> Original implementation on GitHub:
> https://github.com/sam5125/Xen-Clang-format 
> <https://github.com/sam5125/Xen-Clang-format>

Hi Viktor,

thank you for putting this mail together and driving this forward. I added 
committers@ as well as Doug. I am going to let others respond first. 
I am assuming we are looking for some testing?

Is there a simple set of instructions to get started and test the tool?


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