On 19.07.2019 09:56, Paul Durrant wrote:
>> From: Petre Ovidiu PIRCALABU <ppircal...@bitdefender.com>
>> Sent: 18 July 2019 14:59
>> So, at this point the most promising solution is allocating the memory
>> in XEN, sharing it with ID using share_xen_page_with_guest, and mapping
>> it with xenforeignmemory_map_resource (with the flag
>> XENMEM_rsrc_acq_caller_owned set)
> If that page is shared with the ID then XENMEM_rsrc_acq_caller_owned
> should *not* be set. Also, that flag is an 'out' flag... the caller
> doesn't decide who owns the resource.

I had implied that it's really MD that's meant here, but maybe I was
wrong doing so.

> TBH I regret ever introducing the flag; it caused a lot of problems,
> which is why it is no longer used.

It's a tools only interface - why don't we drop the flag if you now
think it was a bad idea to introduce it?

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