On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 11:06 AM Petre Pircalabu
<ppircal...@bitdefender.com> wrote:
> In high throughput introspection scenarios where lots of monitor
> vm_events are generated, the ring buffer can fill up before the monitor
> application gets a chance to handle all the requests thus blocking
> other vcpus which will have to wait for a slot to become available.
> This patch adds support for a different mechanism to handle synchronous
> vm_event requests / responses. As each synchronous request pauses the
> vcpu until the corresponding response is handled, it can be stored in
> a slotted memory buffer (one per vcpu) shared between the hypervisor and
> the controlling domain.
> Signed-off-by: Petre Pircalabu <ppircal...@bitdefender.com>
So this is quite a large patch, perhaps it would be better to split it
into a hypervisor-side patch and then a toolstack-side one. Also,
would it make sense to keep the two implementations in separate files
within Xen (ie. common/vm_event.c and vm_event_ng.c)?


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