
@Stefano, I am going through the series and noticed you didn't give any update. Could you confirm if my reply makes sense?


On 6/27/19 8:30 PM, Julien Grall wrote:
Hi Stefano,

On 6/27/19 7:55 PM, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
On Mon, 10 Jun 2019, Julien Grall wrote:
+        /*
+         * Find the second slot used. Remove the entry for the first
+         * table if the slot is not 1 (runtime Xen mapping is 2M - 4M).
+         * For slot 1, it means the ID map was not created.
+         */
+        lsr   x1, x19, #SECOND_SHIFT
+        and   x1, x1, #LPAE_ENTRY_MASK  /* x1 := first slot */
+        cmp   x1, #1
+        beq   id_map_removed
+        /* It is not in slot 1, remove the entry */
+        ldr   x0, =boot_second          /* x0 := second table */
+        str   xzr, [x0, x1, lsl #3]

Wouldn't it be a bit more reliable if we checked whether the slot in
question for x19 (whether zero, first, second) is a pagetable pointer or
section map, then zero it if it is a section map, otherwise go down one
level? If we did it this way it would be independent from the way
create_page_tables is written.

Your suggestion will not comply with the architecture compliance and how Xen is/will be working after the full rework. We want to remove everything (mapping + table) added specifically for the 1:1 mapping.

Otherwise, you may end up in a position where boot_first_id is still in place. We would need to use the break-before-make sequence in subsequent code if we were about to insert 1GB mapping at the same place.

After my rework, we would have virtually no place where break-before-make will be necessary as it will enforce all the mappings to be destroyed before hand. So I would rather avoid to make a specific case for the 1:1 mapping.

As a side note, the current code for the 1:1 mapping is completely wrong as using 1GB (or even 2MB) mapping may result to map MMIO region (or reserved-region). This may result to cache problem. I have this partially fixed on for the next version of series (see [1]).

With the current code, we are somewhat reliant on the behavior of
create_page_tables, because we rely on the position of the slot for
the ID map? Where the assumption for instance is that at level one, if
the slot is zero, then we need to go down a level, etc. Instead, if we
checked if the slot is a section map, we could remove it immediately, if
it is a pagetable pointer, we proceed. The code should be similar in
complexity and LOC, but it would be more robust.

See above :).

Something like the following, in pseudo-uncompiled assembly:

      lsr   x1, x19, #FIRST_SHIFT
      ldr   x0, =boot_first           /* x0 := first table */
      ldr   x2, [x0, x1, lsl #3]
      # check x2 against #PT_MEM
      cbz   x2, 1f
      str   xzr, [x0, x1, lsl #3]
      b     id_map_removed

+        /* See asm-arm/arm64/flushtlb.h for the explanation of the sequence. */

Do you mean xen/include/asm-arm/arm64/flushtlb.h? I can't find the
explanation you are referring to.

The big comment at the top of the header:

  * Every invalidation operation use the following patterns:
  * DSB ISHST        // Ensure prior page-tables updates have completed
  * TLBI...          // Invalidate the TLB
  * DSB ISH          // Ensure the TLB invalidation has completed
  * ISB              // See explanation below
  * For Xen page-tables the ISB will discard any instructions fetched
  * from the old mappings.
  * For the Stage-2 page-tables the ISB ensures the completion of the DSB
  * (and therefore the TLB invalidation) before continuing. So we know
  * the TLBs cannot contain an entry for a mapping we may have removed.

Note that we are using nsh (and not ish) because we are using local TLB flush (see page D5-230 ARM DDI 0487D.a). For convenience here is the text:

"In all cases in this section where a DMB or DSB is referred to, it refers to a DMB or DSB whose required access type is both loads and stores. A DSB NSH is sufficient to ensure completion of TLB maintenance instructions that apply to a single PE. A DSB ISH is sufficient to ensure completion of TLB maintenance instructions that apply to PEs in the
same Inner Shareable domain."

I discovered this section after the changes in flushtlb.h has been merged. But I am thinking to do a follow-up the local TLB flush code.

+        dsb   nshst
+        tlbi  alle2
+        dsb   nsh
+        isb
+        ret


[1] Rework for create_page_tables

diff --git a/xen/arch/arm/arm64/head.S b/xen/arch/arm/arm64/head.S
index a79ae54822..c019dd3e04 100644
--- a/xen/arch/arm/arm64/head.S
+++ b/xen/arch/arm/arm64/head.S
@@ -483,6 +483,60 @@ cpu_init:

+ * Macro to create a page table entry in \ptbl to \tbl
+ *
+ * ptbl:    table symbol where the entry will be created
+ * tbl:     table symbol to point to
+ * virt:    virtual address
+ * shift:   #imm page table shift
+ * tmp1:    scratch register
+ * tmp2:    scratch register
+ * tmp3:    scratch register
+ *
+ * Preserves \virt
+ * Clobbers \tmp1, \tmp2, \tmp3
+ *
+ * Also use x20 for the phys offset.
+ *
+ * Note that all parameters using registers should be distinct.
+ */
+.macro create_table_entry, ptbl, tbl, virt, shift, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3
+        lsr   \tmp1, \virt, #\shift
+        and   \tmp1, \tmp1, #LPAE_ENTRY_MASK/* \tmp1 := slot in \tlb */
+        load_paddr \tmp2, \tbl
+        mov   \tmp3, #PT_PT                 /* \tmp3 := right for linear PT */
+        orr   \tmp3, \tmp3, \tmp2           /*          + \tlb paddr */
+        adr_l \tmp2, \ptbl
+        str   \tmp3, [\tmp2, \tmp1, lsl #3]
+ * Macro to create a mapping entry in \tbl to \paddr. Only mapping in 3rd
+ * level table is supported.
+ *
+ * tbl:     table symbol where the entry will be created
+ * virt:    virtual address
+ * paddr:   physical address (should be page aligned)
+ * tmp1:    scratch register
+ * tmp2:    scratch register
+ * tmp3:    scratch register
+ * type:    mapping type. If not specified it will be normal memory (PT_MEM_L3)
+ *
+ * Preserves \virt, \paddr
+ * Clobbers \tmp1, \tmp2, \tmp3
+ *
+ * Note that all parameters using registers should be distinct.
+ */
+.macro create_mapping_entry, tbl, virt, paddr, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, type=PT_MEM_L3
+        lsr   \tmp1, \virt, #THIRD_SHIFT
+        and   \tmp1, \tmp1, #LPAE_ENTRY_MASK/* \tmp1 := slot in \tlb */
+        mov   \tmp2, #\type                 /* \tmp2 := right for section PT */
+        orr   \tmp2, \tmp2, \paddr          /*          + paddr */
+        adr_l \tmp3, \tbl
+        str   \tmp2, [\tmp3, \tmp1, lsl #3]
   * Rebuild the boot pagetable's first-level entries. The structure
   * is described in mm.c.
@@ -495,100 +549,17 @@ ENDPROC(cpu_init)
   *   x19: paddr(start)
   *   x20: phys offset
- * Clobbers x0 - x4, x25
- *
- * Register usage within this function:
- *   x25: Identity map in place
+ * Clobbers x0 - x4
-        /*
-         * If Xen is loaded at exactly XEN_VIRT_START then we don't
-         * need an additional 1:1 mapping, the virtual mapping will
-         * suffice.
-         */
-        cmp   x19, #XEN_VIRT_START
-        cset  x25, eq                /* x25 := identity map in place, or not */
-        load_paddr x4, boot_pgtable
-        /* Setup boot_pgtable: */
-        load_paddr x1, boot_first
-        /* ... map boot_first in boot_pgtable[0] */
-        mov   x3, #PT_PT             /* x2 := table map of boot_first */
-        orr   x2, x1, x3             /*       + rights for linear PT */
-        str   x2, [x4, #0]           /* Map it in slot 0 */
-        /* ... map of paddr(start) in boot_pgtable+boot_first_id */
-        lsr   x1, x19, #ZEROETH_SHIFT/* Offset of base paddr in boot_pgtable */
-        cbz   x1, 1f                 /* It's in slot 0, map in boot_first
-                                      * or boot_second later on */
-        /*
-         * Level zero does not support superpage mappings, so we have
-         * to use an extra first level page in which we create a 1GB mapping.
-         */
-        load_paddr x2, boot_first_id
-        mov   x3, #PT_PT             /* x2 := table map of boot_first_id */
-        orr   x2, x2, x3             /*       + rights for linear PT */
-        str   x2, [x4, x1, lsl #3]
-        load_paddr x4, boot_first_id
-        lsr   x1, x19, #FIRST_SHIFT  /* x1 := Offset of base paddr in boot_first_id */ -        lsl   x2, x1, #FIRST_SHIFT   /* x2 := Base address for 1GB mapping */
-        mov   x3, #PT_MEM            /* x2 := Section map */
-        orr   x2, x2, x3
-        and   x1, x1, #LPAE_ENTRY_MASK /* x1 := Slot offset */
-        str   x2, [x4, x1, lsl #3]   /* Mapping of paddr(start) */
-        mov   x25, #1                /* x25 := identity map now in place */
-1:      /* Setup boot_first: */
-        load_paddr x4, boot_first   /* Next level into boot_first */
-        /* ... map boot_second in boot_first[0] */
-        load_paddr x1, boot_second
-        mov   x3, #PT_PT             /* x2 := table map of boot_second */
-        orr   x2, x1, x3             /*       + rights for linear PT */
-        str   x2, [x4, #0]           /* Map it in slot 0 */
-        /* ... map of paddr(start) in boot_first */
-        cbnz  x25, 1f                /* x25 is set if already created */
-        lsr   x2, x19, #FIRST_SHIFT  /* x2 := Offset of base paddr in boot_first */
-        and   x1, x2, #LPAE_ENTRY_MASK /* x1 := Slot to use */
-        cbz   x1, 1f                 /* It's in slot 0, map in boot_second */
-        lsl   x2, x2, #FIRST_SHIFT   /* Base address for 1GB mapping */
-        mov   x3, #PT_MEM            /* x2 := Section map */
-        orr   x2, x2, x3
-        str   x2, [x4, x1, lsl #3]   /* Create mapping of paddr(start)*/
-        mov   x25, #1                /* x25 := identity map now in place */
-1:      /* Setup boot_second: */
-        load_paddr x4, boot_second
-        /* ... map boot_third in boot_second[1] */
-        load_paddr x1, boot_third
-        mov   x3, #PT_PT             /* x2 := table map of boot_third */
-        orr   x2, x1, x3             /*       + rights for linear PT */
-        str   x2, [x4, #8]           /* Map it in slot 1 */
-        /* ... map of paddr(start) in boot_second */
-        cbnz  x25, 1f                /* x25 is set if already created */
-        lsr   x2, x19, #SECOND_SHIFT /* x2 := Offset of base paddr in boot_second */
-        and   x1, x2, #LPAE_ENTRY_MASK /* x1 := Slot to use */
-        cmp   x1, #1
-        b.eq  virtphys_clash         /* It's in slot 1, which we cannot handle */
+        /* Prepare the page-tables for mapping Xen */
+        ldr   x0, =XEN_VIRT_START
+        create_table_entry boot_pgtable, boot_first, x0, ZEROETH_SHIFT, x1, x2, x3 +        create_table_entry boot_first, boot_second, x0, FIRST_SHIFT, x1, x2, x3 +        create_table_entry boot_second, boot_third, x0, SECOND_SHIFT, x1, x2, x3

-        lsl   x2, x2, #SECOND_SHIFT  /* Base address for 2MB mapping */
-        mov   x3, #PT_MEM            /* x2 := Section map */
-        orr   x2, x2, x3
-        str   x2, [x4, x1, lsl #3]   /* Create mapping of paddr(start)*/
-        mov   x25, #1                /* x25 := identity map now in place */
-1:      /* Setup boot_third: */
-        load_paddr x4, boot_third
+        /* Map Xen */
+        adr_l x4, boot_third

          lsr   x2, x19, #THIRD_SHIFT  /* Base address for 4K mapping */
          lsl   x2, x2, #THIRD_SHIFT
@@ -603,21 +574,68 @@ create_page_tables:
          cmp   x1, #(LPAE_ENTRIES<<3) /* 512 entries per page */
          b.lt  1b

-        /* Defer fixmap and dtb mapping until after paging enabled, to
-         * avoid them clashing with the 1:1 mapping. */
+        /*
+         * If Xen is loaded at exactly XEN_VIRT_START then we don't
+         * need an additional 1:1 mapping, the virtual mapping will
+         * suffice.
+         */
+        cmp   x19, #XEN_VIRT_START
+        bne   1f
+        ret
+        /*
+         * Only the first page of Xen will be part of the 1:1 mapping.
+         * All the boot_*_id tables are linked together even if they may
+         * not be all used. They will then be linked to the boot page
+         * tables at the correct level.
+         */
+        create_table_entry boot_first_id, boot_second_id, x19, FIRST_SHIFT, x0, x1, x2 +        create_table_entry boot_second_id, boot_third_id, x19, SECOND_SHIFT, x0, x1, x2
+        create_mapping_entry boot_third_id, x19, x19, x0, x1, x2
+        /*
+         * Find the zeroeth slot used. Link boot_first_id into
+         * boot_pgtable if the slot is not 0. For slot 0, the tables
+         * associated with the 1:1 mapping will need to be linked in
+         * boot_first or boot_second.
+         */
+        lsr   x0, x19, #ZEROETH_SHIFT   /* x0 := zeroeth slot */
+        cbz   x0, 1f
+        /* It is not in slot 0, Link boot_first_id into boot_pgtable */
+        create_table_entry boot_pgtable, boot_first_id, x19, ZEROETH_SHIFT, x0, x1, x2
+        ret
+        /*
+         * Find the first slot used. Link boot_second_id into boot_first
+         * if the slot is not 0. For slot 0, the tables associated with
+         * the 1:1 mapping will need to be linked in boot_second.
+         */
+        lsr   x0, x19, #FIRST_SHIFT
+        and   x0, x0, #LPAE_ENTRY_MASK  /* x0 := first slot */
+        cbz   x0, 1f
+        /* It is not in slot 0, Link boot_second_id into boot_first */
+        create_table_entry boot_first, boot_second_id, x19, FIRST_SHIFT, x0, x1, x2
+        ret

-        /* boot pagetable setup complete */
+        /*
+         * Find the second slot used. Link boot_third_id into boot_second
+         * if the slot is not 1 (runtime Xen mapping is 2M - 4M).
+         * For slot 1, Xen is not yet able to handle it.
+         */
+        lsr   x0, x19, #SECOND_SHIFT
+        and   x0, x0, #LPAE_ENTRY_MASK  /* x0 := first slot */
+        cmp   x0, #1
+        beq   virtphys_clash
+        /* It is not in slot 1, link boot_third_id into boot_second */
+        create_table_entry boot_second, boot_third_id, x19, SECOND_SHIFT, x0, x1, x2
+        ret

-        cbnz  x25, 1f                /* Did we manage to create an identity mapping ? */ -        PRINT("Unable to build boot page tables - Failed to identity map Xen.\r\n")
-        b     fail
         /* Identity map clashes with boot_third, which we cannot handle yet */          PRINT("- Unable to build boot page tables - virt and phys addresses clash. -\r\n")
          b     fail
-        ret

@@ -719,28 +737,15 @@ ENDPROC(remove_identity_mapping)
   * The fixmap cannot be mapped in create_page_tables because it may
   * clash with the 1:1 mapping.
- * Clobbers x1 - x4
+ * Clobbers x0 - x3
-        /* Add UART to the fixmap table */
-        ldr   x1, =xen_fixmap        /* x1 := vaddr (xen_fixmap) */
-        lsr   x2, x23, #THIRD_SHIFT
-        lsl   x2, x2, #THIRD_SHIFT   /* 4K aligned paddr of UART */
-        mov   x3, #PT_DEV_L3
-        orr   x2, x2, x3             /* x2 := 4K dev map including UART */
-        str   x2, [x1, #(FIXMAP_CONSOLE*8)] /* Map it in the first fixmap's slot */
+        ldr   x0, =EARLY_UART_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS
+        create_mapping_entry xen_fixmap, x0, x23, x1, x2, x3, type=PT_DEV_L3
-        /* Map fixmap into boot_second */
-        ldr   x4, =boot_second       /* x4 := vaddr (boot_second) */
-        load_paddr x2, xen_fixmap
-        mov   x3, #PT_PT
-        orr   x2, x2, x3             /* x2 := table map of xen_fixmap */
-        ldr   x1, =FIXMAP_ADDR(0)
-        lsr   x1, x1, #(SECOND_SHIFT - 3)   /* x1 := Slot for FIXMAP(0) */
-        str   x2, [x4, x1]           /* Map it in the fixmap's slot */
+        ldr   x0, =FIXMAP_ADDR(0)
+        create_table_entry boot_second, xen_fixmap, x0, SECOND_SHIFT, x1, x2, x3
          /* Ensure any page table updates made above have occurred */
          dsb   nshst
diff --git a/xen/arch/arm/mm.c b/xen/arch/arm/mm.c
index c2f1795a71..bc1824d3ca 100644
--- a/xen/arch/arm/mm.c
+++ b/xen/arch/arm/mm.c
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ DEFINE_BOOT_PAGE_TABLE(boot_pgtable);

Julien Grall

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