On 7/9/19 12:20 AM, Zhenzhong Duan wrote:
> -const __initconst struct hypervisor_x86 x86_hyper_xen_hvm = {
> +static uint32_t __init xen_platform_hvm(void)
> +{
> +       uint32_t xen_domain = xen_cpuid_base();
> +       struct x86_hyper_init *h = &x86_hyper_xen_hvm.init;
> +
> +       if (xen_pv_domain())
> +               return 0;
> +
> +       if (xen_pvh_domain() && nopv) {
> +               /* Guest booting via the Xen-PVH boot entry goes here */
> +               pr_info("\"nopv\" parameter is ignored in PVH guest\n");
> +               nopv = false;
> +       } else if (nopv && xen_domain) {
> +               /*
> +                * Guest booting via normal boot entry (like via
> grub2) goes
> +                * here.
> +                *
> +                * Use interface functions for bare hardware if nopv,
> +                * xen_hvm_guest_late_init is an exception as we need to
> +                * detect PVH and panic there.
> +                */
> +               memcpy(h, (void *)&x86_init.hyper,
> sizeof(x86_init.hyper));

And this worked? I'd think it would fail since h points to RO section.

> +               memcpy(&x86_hyper_xen_hvm.runtime, (void
> *)&x86_platform.hyper,
> +                      sizeof(x86_platform.hyper));
> +               h->guest_late_init = xen_hvm_guest_late_init;

To me this still doesn't look right --- you are making assumptions about
x86_platform/x86_init.hyper and I don't think you can assume they have
not been set to point to another hypervisor, for example.

Would modifying all x86_hyper_xen_hvm's ops (except, I guess,
xen_hvm_guest_late_init()) to immediately return if nopv is set work?

Also question for Juergen --- is there anything perhaps in zeropage that
indicates we are booting PVH guest from grub?


> +       }
> +       return xen_domain;
> +}
> +
> +struct hypervisor_x86 x86_hyper_xen_hvm __initdata = {
>         .name                   = "Xen HVM",
>         .detect                 = xen_platform_hvm,
>         .type                   = X86_HYPER_XEN_HVM,
> @@ -268,4 +292,5 @@ static __init void xen_hvm_guest_late_init(void)
>         .init.init_mem_mapping  = xen_hvm_init_mem_mapping,
>         .init.guest_late_init   = xen_hvm_guest_late_init,
>         .runtime.pin_vcpu       = xen_pin_vcpu,
> +       .ignore_nopv            = true,
>  };
> Thanks
> Zhenzhong

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