On 6/11/19 18:53, Andrew Cooper wrote:
On 11/06/2019 11:33, chenbaodong wrote:
On 6/11/19 17:45, Andrew Cooper wrote:
On 11/06/2019 10:20, Baodong Chen wrote:
* Remove redundant set 'DOMDYING_dead'
domain_create() will set this when fail, thus no need
set in arch_domain_create().
Its not redundant. It is necessary for correct cleanup.
Hello Andrew,
Thanks for your comments.
Your concern is: when the arch_domain_create() fails,
some cleanup work need to done in this function.
and 'DOMDYING_dead' flags maybe needed to judge for correct cleanup?
If so, it's not redundant.
I'm curious why 'DOMDYING_dead' been set by fail path both in
and domain_create().
Because various cleanup paths BUG_ON(!d->is_dying), including ones
before hitting the main error path in domain_create().
Thanks for clarify, my fault, i missed (!d->is_dying) related check.
And tested by force to run fail path in arch_domain_create(),
but nothing happed in arch_domain_destory(). result is:
Panic on CPU 0:
Error creating domain 0
Seems the cleanup path run with success.
Anyway, can leave it as what it was.
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