When a message is requeue'd in Xen's internal queue, the queue
entry contains the length of the message so that Xen knows to
send a VIRQ to the respective domain when enough space frees up
in the ring. Due to a small bug, however, Xen doesn't populate
the length of the msg if a given write fails, so this length is
always reported as zero. This causes Xen to spurriously wake up
a domain even when the ring doesn't have enough space.

This patch makes sure that the msg len is properly reported by
populating it in the event of a write failure.

Signed-off-by: Nicholas Tsirakis <tsirak...@ainfosec.com>
 xen/common/argo.c | 22 +++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/xen/common/argo.c b/xen/common/argo.c
index 2f874a570d..31baf4beed 100644
--- a/xen/common/argo.c
+++ b/xen/common/argo.c
@@ -766,26 +766,20 @@ static int
 ringbuf_insert(const struct domain *d, struct argo_ring_info *ring_info,
                const struct argo_ring_id *src_id, xen_argo_iov_t *iovs,
                unsigned int niov, uint32_t message_type,
-               unsigned long *out_len)
+               unsigned int len)
     xen_argo_ring_t ring;
     struct xen_argo_ring_message_header mh = { };
     int sp, ret;
-    unsigned int len = 0;
     xen_argo_iov_t *piov;
     XEN_GUEST_HANDLE(uint8) NULL_hnd = { };
     ASSERT(LOCKING_L3(d, ring_info));
-     * Obtain the total size of data to transmit -- sets the 'len' variable
-     * -- and sanity check that the iovs conform to size and number limits.
      * Enforced below: no more than 'len' bytes of guest data
      * (plus the message header) will be sent in this operation.
-    ret = iov_count(iovs, niov, &len);
-    if ( ret )
-        return ret;
      * Upper bound check the message len against the ring size.
@@ -983,8 +977,6 @@ ringbuf_insert(const struct domain *d, struct 
argo_ring_info *ring_info,
      * versus performance cost could be added to decide that here.
-    *out_len = len;
     return ret;
@@ -1976,7 +1968,7 @@ sendv(struct domain *src_d, xen_argo_addr_t *src_addr,
     struct argo_ring_id src_id;
     struct argo_ring_info *ring_info;
     int ret = 0;
-    unsigned long len = 0;
+    unsigned int len = 0;
     argo_dprintk("sendv: (%u:%x)->(%u:%x) niov:%u type:%x\n",
                  src_addr->domain_id, src_addr->aport, dst_addr->domain_id,
@@ -2044,8 +2036,16 @@ sendv(struct domain *src_d, xen_argo_addr_t *src_addr,
+        /*
+         * Obtain the total size of data to transmit -- sets the 'len' variable
+         * -- and sanity check that the iovs conform to size and number limits.
+         */
+        ret = iov_count(iovs, niov, &len);
+        if ( ret )
+            return ret;
         ret = ringbuf_insert(dst_d, ring_info, &src_id, iovs, niov,
-                             message_type, &len);
+                             message_type, len);
         if ( ret == -EAGAIN )
             int rc;

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