On Tue, 16 Apr 2019, M A Young wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Apr 2019, Andrew Cooper wrote:
>> From the log:
>> traps: modprobe[48] trap invalid opcode ip:7f797dc7bb95 sp:7ffe3099cdb8 erro
>> r:0 in ld-2.29.so[7f797dc61000+21000]
>> Can you disassemble ld-2.29.so and find out what that instruction is?  It is
>> almost certainly a related factor.
> I get lines like
> [    1.384356] traps: modprobe[36] trap invalid opcode ip:7f57448af179
> sp:7fff8fc3a938 error:0 in ld-2.29.so[7f5744895000+20000]
> I am guessing the right place to look in ld-2.29.so is
> 0x7f57448af179-0x7f57448950000-20000 = 86873 in which case I get
> (gdb) x/10i 86873
>   0x15359 <_dl_close_worker+3593>:    mov    (%rsi,%rcx,8),%r8
>   0x1535d <_dl_close_worker+3597>:    testb  $0x20,0x31d(%r8)
>   0x15365 <_dl_close_worker+3605>:    jne    0x15375
> <_dl_close_worker+3621>
>   0x15367 <_dl_close_worker+3607>:    cmp    %ecx,%edx
>   0x15369 <_dl_close_worker+3609>:    je     0x15372
> <_dl_close_worker+3618>
>   0x1536b <_dl_close_worker+3611>:    mov    %edx,%r9d
>   0x1536e <_dl_close_worker+3614>:    mov    %r8,(%rsi,%r9,8)
>   0x15372 <_dl_close_worker+3618>:    add    $0x1,%edx
>   0x15375 <_dl_close_worker+3621>:    add    $0x1,%rcx
>   0x15379 <_dl_close_worker+3625>:    cmp    %ecx,%eax
> Some more lines like this are
> [    1.571479] traps: modprobe[41] trap invalid opcode ip:7f3e3628d179
> sp:7ffc86abbe08 error:0 in ld-2.29.so[7f3e36273000+20000]
> [    1.630562] traps: modprobe[43] trap invalid opcode ip:7f227b39a179
> sp:7ffdfd943198 error:0 in ld-2.29.so[7f227b380000+20000]
> which all seem to get to the same place. Is this useful or am I looking in
> the wrong place?

I did a bisect on this issue, and it identified the first bad commit as 
x86/vmx: Don't leak EFER.NXE into guest context

        Michael Young
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